Chapter 3: So Stubborn

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Jamil is the first to make the first attack on the ghosts, and the ghosts receive damages. Jamil is able to get the fragments from them and attack the ghosts.

"HAH! I knew you'd find more fragments if I let you go," Jamil says with an evil grin on his face. "Why search with just us two, when a whole band of ghosts can do the work for us? We'll be taking those now."

The first ghost guard angrily says, "Rrrgh! It's not nice stealing others' hard-earned stuff!"

"You'll pay for this!" The second guard angrily says.

And with that, the ghosts retreat.

Silver turns to Jamil, "Jamil... It's wrong to take other people's things. We should give the fragments back."

"Oh, come on. Those ghosts were villains. They were going to take us to their boss, remember?" Jamil questions.

Silver crosses his arms and says, "Just because they're villains doesn't mean it's okay to rob them."

Jamil clicks his tongue, "Tch..." and mutters, "So stubborn."

Then says to Silver, "Look, we're not REALLY stealing. We're all going to the Halloween, right? We'll surely see the ghosts there, so we can give the fragments back then. We're just borrowing them in the meantime."

"I don't know..." Silver says, reluctantly.

"You DO want to save Malleus, don't you?" Jamil question. "Then shouldn't your priority be finding a way forward?"

Silver remains silent.

Then says, "I suppose the hero of the East took the sick father's sword without permission as well - though returned it with an apology letter. Maybe the lesson there is that sometimes we have to make hard decisions for the greater good."

Then questions, "Is that what you're trying to tell me, Jamil?"

"Huh?" Jamil says, confused.

Then says, "Oh, uh... Yes. Absolutely."

"The ghosts may not be very happy with us, but let's resolve to return their things later and press on for now," Silver says.

"What a great idea! I see you've learned yet another valuable life lesson from your hero," Jamil says.

"Yes. The hero was an upstanding individual who fought for a great cause. When she finally returned from her adventures, her father said he was proud to have her as a daughter," Silver says.

That actually has Jamil confused and asks, "...Did you say daughter?"

Then asks in shock, "You're telling me this hero was a girl?"

"Yes, that's right," Silver answers.

Then asks, "Did I not mention it before?"

Then explains, "She disguised herself as a man and left home to fight in her father's place."

"That sounds like the crux of the whole story. Way to bury the lede," Jamil replies. Then frowns, "When you talked about her starting an avalanche with her bare hands, I was imagining some big burly man!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Storytelling isn't my strong suit," Silver apologizes.

Jamil sighs and says, "That's what I get for making assumptions. Lesson learned."

Then Jamil says, "You know, I can think of someone who might be interested in that story."

"And who would that be?" Silver asks.

Jamil calmly smiles and says, "Who do you think? The only girl in the school."

Soon, Silver understands, "Oh you mean Briar."

He thinks and says, "I can understand. The girl is in another world while grasping onto our everyday lives different from her own. Even then, she's still trying hard to understand our world and learn the magic that's sealed within her. Maybe if I do tell her it will inspire her to work harder, and might learn to follow the footsteps of the hero."

Jamil rolls his eyes, "I wouldn't take it that far."

Just then, Silver notices something, "Hey, there's something in that gazebo."

The two walk over to notice something ahead.

Jamil looks to see what's up ahead, "What's this? A door? It's strange to see a freestanding one outdoors. Perhaps it leads somewhere else, like the door we took to get here. Let's go."

Before they can go there.

Two well dressed ghosts: A male and a female, and another one of the ghost guards appear and shout, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"

Jamil and Silver turn to see the ghosts from before and they have brought reinforcements.

The well dressed ghost from before says, "You won't get away this time! We're going to take back the mirror fragments you so flagrantly stole!"

Just then, Silver says, "I'm sorry, ghosts... But I must press on! My liege is depending on me!"

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