Chapter 5: Kneel Before Me

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The three students are able to give the ghost a fright and are able to corner them.

The ghosts scream, "Please, let us go! You can have the fragments!"

And with that, the ghosts flee in fright as they drop their mirror fragments.

"Scaring the ghosts, letting those with low morale escape, thus avoiding unnecessary fights... This was a fantastic idea. Your ingenuity is quite impressive, Jamil!" Silver says.

"Well, your acting was quite impressive as well. Showing the whites of your eyes, sticking your tongue out, popping that vein on your forehead, and shaking your hair around..." Jamil says.

"You looked less like a long and more like a foul monster ruling the forest," Jack says.

Then Silver says, "Thank you. I was well-trained in the art of intimidation. I must thank my father for his teachings."

"Your father taught you how to scare people?!" Jamil asks, shocked.

He then remains calm and says, "He grows more mysterious every time I hear about him. What kind of father is he?"

"Now then... We've obtained a good many mirror fragments," Silver says.

"They all have numbers on the back. We may have a lot, but we still don't know how to use them," Jamil says.

Then Silver adds, "How many do we need? And what happens when we find them all?"

Just then, Jack notices something on a tree, "Guys! There's a door in the hollow of this tree!"

The group look and see that there really is a door on the hollow tree.

"Then let's go. Moving forward will bring us closer to solving this mystery and ending Halloween," Jamil says.

The group walks over and Jamil opens the door. Then they walk through the door and find themselves in the similar mysterious stairway like before.

"Urgh, not this place again!" Jack says, shocked.

"It's very similar to where we found you," Silver says.

Then Jamil says, "At least the Viewglass should work here. Let's get in touch with the faculty and -"

But is interrupted by a voice, "What are YOU PEOPLE DOING HERE?"

"What?!" Jamil says, shocked and recognizes the voice.

Then Silver says, "I know that voice..."

Soon enough, walking down the stairs is Kalim, and he's in his costume as well.

"Kalim!" Jack calls out.

Jamil rushes to Kalim, "Kalim! I finally found you. Are you hurt?!" and reaches towards him.

But suddenly, Kalim slaps Jamil's hand away, causing Jamil to bring his hand away in shock.

Kalim shouts, "Disrespectful lout! Mind your station! You do not ever touch an aristocrat!"

Silver says in shock, "Kalim swatting someone's hand away? Jamil's hand, no less?!"

Then says, "Something's definitely not right. I think he's..."

"Kalim's possessed too?!" Jack shouts in realization.

Just then, Kalim says, "Heh. How I love seeing you pitiful humans in shameful amounts of distress! Humans like you should grovel on the ground! NOW KNEEL BEFORE ME!"

And with that, Kali brings out his magepen and uses it to attack the others. Everyone dodges the attack.

"Whoa! He's firing spells at us!" Jack calls out.

"Argh... His attacks are much sharper than usual. He's definitely trying to hit us," Jamil says.

Then Silver demands, "Stop this, Kalim! I know you'll regret it if you end up hurting one of us!"

But Kalim shouts at them, "Silence! YOU don't talk back to ME!" and Kalim fires his magic.

Jamil grows frustrated, "Rgh... Let's get Kalim back to normal before he does something we all regret!"

And with that, Jamil, Silver, and Jack charge towards Kalim and snap him back to his senses.

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