Chapter 7: HEEELP!

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Silver explains, "I was asleep in bed when it happened..."

Sometime Ago:

In his room, Silver is fast asleep, catching some z's

Suddenly, he hears a bang and a scream "AAUGH!"

Silver quickly wakes up in shock, "What was that yell?!"

Then hears the banging and another yells, "GYAAAH!"

"That voice..." Silver says, shocked.

Soon, it's revealed to be Lilia as he screams, "You... Rgh! Let go! Unhand me! HEEELP!"

"I'm coming, Father!" Silver shouts and quickly gets out of bed.

He rushes out of his bedroom to help Lilia.


Silver explains, "But by the time I burst into his room... Lilia was gone. And so was Malleus from his room next door."

This shocked everyone in the room. Not only Silver has heard the cry for help, but Mallues and Lilia have been kidnapped, and they are strong mages.

Crowley asks to confirm, "You're absolutely certain it was Vanrouge screaming?"

"Yes, sir. I would know his voice anywhere," Silver answers.

"Lilia, of all people..." Riddle says, shocked.

Then Leona says, "Pleadin' for help and screamin' like that?"

"It does beggar belief," Rook says.

"Yes, it honestly made my blood run cold. But afterward, I learned that no one else heard Lilia scream. Not even Sebek," Silver says.

"You're saying no one else can corroborate this?" Rook questions.

"That's right. Everyone else agreed they vanished without a sound. I considered that they might've been too far away... But it was terribly loud. There must've been some special force at work if not a single other person heard it," Silver explains. "I'm sure I don't need to tell any of you how powerful Malleus and Lilia are. Sebek is in quite a state over both of them disappearing, and the other Diasomnia students aren't much better. So I decided to keep that bit of information to myself, as not to agitate them further. I mean no disrespect when I say this, but... I believe we need to contend with this matter in a more serious fashion than usual."

Everyone remains silent.

Riddle then says, "Going by what you said... We can assume that the other students didn't have a chance to fight back or scream when they were taken."

"Lilia screaming, huh..." Leona replies.

Even Crowley thinks, "Hmmm..."

Just then, footsteps appear and barging through the doors is Ace, and looks like he's in a panic.

Ace cries out, "GUYS!"

"Ace?!" Riddle questions and turns to see him.

"Why are you flustered?" Crowley asks.

Ace pants and breaths, "Please, just... Come to Ramshackle, NOW!"

Judging by Ace's statement and his panic tone. They can tell that something has happened at Ramshackle Dorm as well. So everyone hurries to the Ramshackle Dorm to see what has happened.

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