Chapter 12: Not Fooling Me

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Being exposed by the ghosts, Trey, Sebek, and Rook run away from them. However, the two ghosts are chasing after them.

The two ghosts shout, "GET BACK HERE!"

The three continue to run away, not wanting to get caught.

"We went through all that, and STILL our cover was blown!" Sebek angrily says.

"At least we gained valuable intel about the mirror fragments. One cannot capture the tiger cub without entering its den," Rook says.

"You also can't capture one if the tiger eats you!" Trey shouts.

Then Rook notices something, "Shed spotted at 2 o'clock! Let us hide there."

Trey and Sebek see the shed. They follow Rook to the shed to escape. Rook opens the door and they all run inside. Then quickly closes the door behind them.

"Wait, what?!" Trey says, shocked.

Soon enough, they find themselves in the Hollow Graveyard. The three are shocked to find themselves from one location and into another.

Trey asks in shock, "Where are we now? A cemetery?"

Sebek turns around and says in shock, "The door we just went through is gone!"

Rook smiles and says, "A beauteous, silent graveyard illuminated by a full moon. O Spectral Realm, what a capricious place you are! Regardless, we've shaken our pursuers. Let's have a seat and catch our breath, shall we?"

Agreeing with Rook, everyone sits on the grave to catch their breath before moving forward.

Trey turns to Rook, "Wow, Rook... You have no problem just sitting on top of a grave, huh?"

"Are you worried about getting dirt on your costume?" Rook asks with a smile.

And then he says, "In that case, allow me to present a handkerchief for you to sit upon!"

He then brings out a handkerchief and places it on the ground.

But Trey says, "It's not about the costume. I was surprised you don't find sitting on a grave unsettling."

"Why would it be unsettling about it?" Rook questions in reply. Then says, "None are buried here."

"Huh?" Sebek and Trey look shocked and confused.

Then Rook explains, "This is the Spectral Realm, yes? Graves serve no purpose in a place where the residents have already crossed over. The graveyard is simply decor. I consider it akin to the set and props of a play. The way I see it, either this is a recreation of somewhere the ghosts have great attachment to... Or our own inner fears are causing us to see an eerie graveyard."

"Oh... I see," Trey answers, sounding kind of skeptic.

Rook continues, "So if your misgivings have been dispelled, then come! Sit for a spell and put your feet up. We've walked quite a ways. We can safely conceal ourselves behind the tombstones. There's no way to predict what hardships await us, so we should enjoy a moment's rest while we can."

"How can you be so calm about this?" Sebek questions.

"That's just how Rook is. He's got a heart of steel," Trey answers.

"Heh. You give me far too much credit, Trey," Rook says.

Suddenly, Sebek angrily says, "No, you're not fooling me! You've been abnormally calm since this all started. And really now, gauging exactly how long you've slept? The very notion that a regular human could do such a thing is poppycock!"

"Normally I'd agree, but this is Rook we're talking about," Trey replies.

Then Sebek says, "Come to think of it, you were the one who suggested we enter the shed." and gives Rook a look of suspicion, "Are you in league with the mastermind behind this scheme? Luring us into danger, perhaps?"

Rook and Trey are at a loss for words from Sebek's accusation.

Then Sebek demands, "Tell me the truth, or else!"

Sebek then begins to energize his magic as he points his pen at Rook, preparing to attack him.

Trey quickly says, "... Sebek, stop pointing that magical pen at Rook. You don't do that to your allies."

"You claim he's an ally? Hmph! You can't expect me to trust so dubois a character in the middle of a full-blown crisis!" Sebek, and shows no signs of backing down.

Trey then says, "Okay, sure, Rook's a little weird. It's hard to tell what he's thinking, and sometimes he does that thing where he looks at the sky and smiles... But he's not a bad guy."

Sebek screams angrily, "HOW DOES THAT HELP HIS CASE?! The more I hear, the less I trust him. What if HE abducted Malleus and the others?!"

"You get serious tunnel vision when you're worked up, Sebek. I noticed it when we were fighting the intruder at Ramshackle," Trey says.

He then smiles uneasily, "Getting upset and flying completely off the handle is not a productive way to approach an emergency situation!"


"What?! When did I say ANYTHING about Riddle?! Trey asks, upset.

Suddenly, Rook gets between them and says, "Very well, Sebek. I can hardly blame you for your suspicions." He the explains, "The truth is, long ago, I-"

Suddenly two well dressed ghosts appear.

One ghost says, "What do we have here ? Why, they're actual living people!"

Then the second ghost says, "The boss was right! You three are coming with us!"

Rook frowns and says, "I'm afraid we've been interrupted. Despite your suspicions, Monsieur Crocodile, would you entrust me to have your back once more?"

"Hmph..." Sebek huffs and says, "I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures. A truce it is!"

And the three bring out their mage pens to fight off the ghosts.

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