Chapter 12: Shaftlands Folklore

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Going back to what Jamil asks, "Are these the same costumes we wore for the parade? The fit feels different now..."

"They're your parade outfits, with some magical adjustments," Crewel answers.

Then explains, "It's quicker to modify something that's already made than whip up a whole new outfit. So I just spruce these up a bit. Originally, they were only meant for you to wear during the parade, but they're much more durable now. I guarantee it."

"Yes, I can already tell it's much easier to move than what I wore before," Riddle says.

"I'll be able to fight just fine in this," Silver says.

"It's most reassuring to receive attire personally tailored by our professor. Merci!" Rook happily replies.

"Hmph. I was hardly strenuous to do a little retitching. If you want to thank someone, thank the Halloween management committee for putting these outfits together in the first place," Crewel says.

"Vil... And all the others..." Rook says, looking a bit depressed.

Suddenly, someone else slams the door open.

And someone laughs, "Haah hah hah hah! Look like you're all prepped and ready for a nighttime raid!"

"Who goes there?!" silver demands.

"It is I, the dark and mysterious ruler of the forest's... ghost!" The voice says.

It's revealed to be a man wearing a dark costume with yellow like eyes, and large horns.

Rook recognizes the voice, "That voice... Coach Vargas, is that you?"

"Wahaha!" Vargas laughs, "I'm impressed you saw through my disguise, Hunt! I'll give you a dozen raw eggs as a reward later. If you're launching an attack, who better than the great Vargas to lead the charge."

Then announces, "C'mon, sprouts! Get ready to rumble! Follow my lead! MOVE OUT!"

Vargas charges towards the mirror.

But Trein calls out, "Ah, Coach Vargas, wait!"

But it's too late, Vargas charges to the mirror, but is repelled by the mirror instead.

Vargas screams, "GWAH!"

And falls to the ground.

Vargas looks at the mirror and wonders, "Why won't it let me in?! I've followed the dress code to a tee!"

Vargas continues his attempt to enter the mirror, but some powerful magic is preventing him from doing just that.

"I guess Coach Lobster's outfit is less of a costume and more like a disguise, ain't it?" Floyd guesses.

But Trein says, "As I feared, us faculty are not permitted through the mirror."

"What do you mean?" Riddle questions.

"The invitation is addressed to all Night Raven College Students. No one else," Trein says.

"So non- students aren't invited?" Ruggie asks.

"It seems that way," Trein answers.

Vargas frowns in response, "How rude! What kind of jerk rejects the great Vargas!"

"We're supposed to be responsible for the students' safety. I have major reservations about letting you go alone... I'm truly sorry," Trein says.

Then Riddle says, "Professor Trein. Professor Crewel. You don't need to worry about us. I assure you we'll put your teachings to proper use!"

"Oh yes, terrible shame, that. So sorry, everybody! I'm sure you can do it, though!" Crowley says, with a smile.

However, Jamil says, "I don't care if you're lying, but could you at least TRY to look concerned?"

Then the doors burst open again.

And Trey appears, "Hey guys, sorry we're late."

As it turns out, Trey, Ace, Ortho, and Sebek also had a costume change as well.

Ortho declares, "Quake with fear, Pumpkin Knight is here!"

Then calmly says, "... I bet that's what my brother would say."

"I'm fully kitted out to rescue my liege. I dare the culprit to do their worst!" Sebek says.

"I sure wasn't expecting to put on this skeleton costume again," Ace replies, not too thrilled.

"Well, hey. At least it suits you," Trey says.

"...That IS a compliment, right?" Ace questions.

"I see you've all changed as well," Riddle replies.

Then Sam enters the room, "And that's not all: Sam is in the house!"

"Ah, Sam! Took you long enough. I was ready to dive into the mirror without you," Vargas says.

Floyd crosses his arms and points out, "Uh, you already did."

"And were soundly rejected," Jamil adds.

Ruggie soon notices something in Sam's possession, "Hey! Sam's got something!"

"You've cradling that wooden box pretty carefully. Do you have some provisions for us?" Ruggie asks with a grin.

"Good eye, little imp! But no, this isn't food or money for your journey," Sam says.

"I heard that Trappola and Shroud had to chase down the faculty because all our phones are dead. I'll be rough going if we don't have any way to communicate, right?" Vargas says.

"What an astute observation, Coach. How very true," Rook says.

Then shrugs his shoulders, "We don't know where the Dark mirror will lead, and it would be terrible if we got separated. Proceeding without a line of communication would be most imprudent."

"Exactly! Vargas answers, "And unfortunately, this is one problem muscles can't solve! Curses! But then I remembered this old magical artifact I'd heard about back home in the Shaftlands.

"What is it?" Silver asks.

"See for yourself!" Vargas says with a smile.

Vargas then shows them a mirror with three gems on it.

He says, "It's called a Viewglass In Shaftland folklore, there's legends of a magic mirror that can show its wonder whatever they want to see. Special people, loved ones in peril, fearsome beasts, you name it."

"The Viewglass is a communicator modeled after the mirror in that legend. It also for two-way communication between the hand mirror..." And brings out multiple necklace versions of the mirror, "And these mirror pendants. Communication must be between those two objects. You can't talk pendant-to-pendant. It's a bit simplistic as far as magic items go, but it'll let you communicate without a phone signal. I hear it was made so close companions could keep in contact. This was before cellphones were common, of course."

Then Trien says, "Ah, this brings me back. My wife and I had a set back in the day. I never thought I'd see one of those old things again."

"Everything you could ever want is in stalk at the Mystery Shop! Never underestimate my selection. That said, I didn't have enough on hand for everyone because of the short notice," Sam says.

Then Vargs says to the students, "Housewardens and vice housewarden, take one pendant each."

Soon, each of the Housewarden and Vice Warden take the pendant.

Then Vargas says, "We'll keep the hand mirrors and support you from our end!"

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