Chapter 3: I'm Stumped

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Meanwhile, somewhere in the world of the Spectral Realm, and at an area known where the Sleeping Castle is. Rook, Trey, and Sebek are looking at the castle as they are shocked to find themselves at a different location.

"Ahh, look there. What beautiful scenery! A moon grand enough to swallow the darkness of night. Elegant bats fluttering on silent wings. And a castle adorning the landscape like a regal gown! How majestic, yet how fragile it looks. I cannot help but wonder why I feel it could fade away at any moment..." Rook happily compliments.

Then turns to the others, "What do you think of it?"

"WHAT DOES IT MATTER WHAT WE THINK?!" Sebek questions, irritated.

"You're brimming with energy, Sebek. Such passion sets my very heart trembling," Rook says.

"How can you be so cavalier when we've come to yet ANOTHER dead end?" Sebek questions.

And angrily says, "We must rendezvous with the others so we can rescue Malleus and Lilia!"

"Just take it easy, Sebek," Trey says, calming Sebek.

Then says, "I admit this isn't the time to be admiring the view, but we should still make a note of our surroundings. There's no sign of Riddle or the others, and this place is downright eerie." As he looks around the area "Just where are we?"

Trey then looks at the pendant, "We were counting on using the Viewglass to get support, but it's not working. I have to say, I'm stumped."

"Heh heh heh. Worry not!" Rook says. "I have an idea of where we might be."

"You do?" Trey and Sebek ask, looking confused.

Then Rook says, "Look in the forest to our right."

The two soon look at the forest.

"The forest?" Sebek questions, "All I see is some dense foliage... Hm?" and notices something.

Then they hear a voice, "I didn't expect to find anything over here, but would you look at it. We got a couple of live ones?"

"A voice is coming from the fog!" Sebek says.

Then Trey notices, "Something's heading our way!"

The three look closely into the fog to see a figure to come out. However, what approaches them is a ghost wearing a dressed outfit and has a wig as well.

The ghost says, "I'm under orders to bring anyone living to the boss!"

"A ghost?!" Sebek and Trey say, frightened.

"You're all coming with me!" The ghost says.

"This ghost must be beckoning the living somewhere. Oh, my curiosity is positively piqued. As much as I'd love to accept your gracious invitation, I must consult with my companions first," Rook says, and turns to the boys, "What say you two?"

"I'm not fool enough to accept an invite from some strange ghost," Trey says.

"I see no reason to comply with this ill-mannered ghost. He just came out of nowhere and started ordering us around!" Sebek sternly says.

Rook, Trey, and Sebek bring out their magepens and are ready to fight back.

Seeing that, the ghost says, "Ah, what a cheeky bunch! We'll do this the hard way, then!"

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