Chapter 14: Look Below Us!

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And with no other choice, Trey, Sebek, and Rook fight off the ghost again, until they are defeated.

The two ghosts say, "Agh... So strong..."

And then the ghosts collapse on the ground.

"I'm afraid we're in a terrible hurry. I hope you won't hold it against us, my friends."

"You often beat the tar out of your friends?" Trey replies.

Sebek soon notices something, "Hm? That's an odd spot for a mausoleum. There might be a mirror fragment inside. Let's go check!"

The three then rush to the mausoleum to check it out. They open the door and notice something inside, and suddenly, they see something shocking.

"Ack, it's...!" Sebek says, shocked.

What they find is another mysterious staircase like the others have found before.

"It would appear we've been subject to the whims of the Spectral Realm once again," Rook says.

"It's not even surprising anymore," Trey replies.

Then looks at the staircase, "I can't tell if we're going up these stairs or down them. Is some kind of magic hampering our senses?"

The Rook steps forward, "I'll take the lead. You two, focus on my back rather than your feet. That should keep you from -"

Suddenly, they begin to hear sniffling and sobbing.

"I hear something. What a sad sound it is..." Rook says.

Then they hear crying, "Wah... Wah..."

"Is someone crying? Is there a child here?" Sebek questions.

But Trey says, "No, I know that sound..."

Trey looks down below the staircase and his eyes widen in shock, "Ah! Look below us!"

Sebek and Rook down and to their shock, they see Deuce dressed in his costume and is crying.

Deuce cries in tears, "I'M TIIIRED MAMAAA!"

"It's Deuce!" Trey says, shocked.

"I fell and got a boo-boo. Ouchies," Deuce says and sobs.

Trey walks down as he says, "That must be some injury if it's got you crying. Where does it hurt?"

"My nose," Deuce answers and sniffles.

"Your nose? Let's see..." Sebek says.

He looks at Deuce's nose to see that it is a little red, "Huh. It's just a little red where you skinned it."

And sternly shouts, "DON'T BE SUCH A BABY!"

"Eeep!" Deuce yelps, "So loud! You made my ears hurt!" And cries out, "HELP ME, MAMAAA!"


"Goodness, it's like I'm caught between two thunderclouds! My ears are ringing," Rook says.

Trey grows suspicious and says, "Something's wrong with Deuce. He's better at touching things out than most. He would never cry over something so minor."

Deuce cries again, "MAAAMAAAA!" and begins to throw a tantrum.

"It's totally unlike him to just bawl for his mom!" Trey says, shocked by Deuce's reaction.

Sebek grows frustrated, "Rgh... Cease this tantrum! You're getting snot everywhere!"

"Oh, no!" Rook says.

"What's wrong?!" Trey asks.

"I laid my handkerchief on the ground when we were resting in the graveyard," Rook answers, and holds out his handkerchief to see that it's dirty, "It's dirty now, so I can't use it to wipe his face!"

"THAT'S your biggest concern?!" Trey asks, shocked.

Suddenly, Deuce notices it, "A handkerchief? You're going to put that over my mouth and kidnap me aren't you?!" and begins to panic.

And begins to cry again, "I'M SCARED! MAMA, HELP MEEE!"

And runs away in fear.

"He took off fast!" Guess he's not in the Track Club for nothing," Trey says.

Then says, "We'll never find him again if he gets away. Let's go grab him!"

"Oui!" Rook says.

Soon, Trey, Rook, and Sebek begin to chase after Deuce and make sure they stop him from running and screaming.

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