Chapter 3: Breach of Etiquette

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It's shocking to hear and see that Mallues is the mastermind for what's been happening at Night Raven College, and how they ended up in the Spectral Realm. Of course, the students want an explanation.

Malleus explains, "You may not believe it, but this gloom-filled chamber was once called the Sparkling Hall. Now it lies forgotten, a shadow of its former self... I will not allow this tragedy to continue! This time I shall reclaim my power... and hold the ultimate Halloween Party!"

Everyone remains silent to hear Malleus' explanation.

Leona turns to Silver, "I know he's into that incomprehensible fae humor, but this is way beyond that."

"Agreed. Something's felt off ever since we first saw them here. Malleus and Lilia aren't acting like themselves if I were to hazard a guess..." Silver says.

"They are possessed as well!" Rook concludes.

Then Silver says, "Ghosts, I implore you - please release these two! I value both of them more than my life."

"INDEED! If you must possess a body, take mine instead!" Sebek adds.

But the possessed Lilai begins to laugh, "Hmhmhm... mwahahahaha! Preposterous! Why would I willingly yield such a powerful body! Besides, we ghosts have no reason to comply with the request of the living. What would we possibly gain from it? That should be obvious to anyone who takes two ticks to consider it, you nitwits!"

"No...!" Silver and Sebek say in dismay.

Then Lilia says, "If you're going to be so insistent..."

And with that many of the students being possessed step forward and in front of Lilia.

"Then defeat these foes first!" Lilia says.

"No way!" Silver says, shocked.

One of the Diasomnia student says, "Whee hee hee! Living bodies are the BEST!"

Then a Heartslabyul student says, "Now that we've got these nice bodies, you can help us break 'em in!"

"It's the abductees! Silver says.

Just then, Riddle shouts, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"

"What's the matter, Riddle?" Silver asks.

Then Riddle asks, "Why aren't any of you in costumes? It's a serious breach of etiquette to ignore a party's dress code!"

"Yeah! It was right there on the invitation. Did you guys even read it?" Floyd questions.

Leona lowers his head and places his hand on it, "You guys are still mad about the Dark Mirror given' you the boot, huh."

Then a Savanaclaw student says, "We changed into our fighting frocks. The party will come afterward. We wouldn't want to ruin our lovely costumes, after all."

"Yeah, exactly. Our snazzy 'stumes wouldn't look so hot covered in human tears and snot! Eeheehee!" A Scarabia student says.

Seeing all the students talking, the Hallowenders can only come up with one conclusion.

"It would appear they've been possessed en masse," Rook says.

Then Riddle says, "If they're like Jade and Azul were, then hitting them with magic should push the ghosts back out... But there are far too many of them for us to handle. We'd run out of strength long before we could confront Malleus and Lilia. How are we supposed to get out of this one...?"

Just then, Cater and some of the others who've been possessed step in.

"Don't worry, Riddle. After everything we put you guys through, the least we could do is take care of these guys," Cater says.

"I couldn't agree more. I was just thinking that I wouldn't be satisfied until I gave these miscreants some payback," Vil says.

Then turns to the possessed students, "You snatch our students and defy me, a housewarden? Just who do you ghosts think you are?"

"We may be drained, but we wouldn't lose to ordinary students. I'll show these ignorant fools how powerful a housewarden truly is," Azul says.

Then Idia says, "So we gotta DPS the adds down first? K, got it."

"The Hallowenders should focus on freeing Malleus and Lilia from their possessors!" Epel adds.

"Yeah. We'll have a huge leg up if we can get those two on our side. That should turn this whole mess around!" Jack says.

Rook happily says, "Thank you, everyone. What gallant and stalwart companions you are." then sadly says, "Thus far, all the ghosts have used their host body's magical reverse."

Then says in a serious tone, "Malleus and Lilia are powerful enough individually; we won't stand a chance if we have to face them working in tandem."

Then says to everyone, "Hallowenders, it's time to divide and conquer! Keep the two of them apart and get them back to normal!"

Meanwhile, Malleus and Lilia watch.

Malleus says, "Heh... Interesting. You mere mortals would defy me?"

Then Lilia says, "You shall learn the folly of opposing milord! HAVE AT THEE!"

"Regardless of our reasons, I can only ask that you forgive me for opposing you. I'll bring the two of you back, mark my words!" Silver says.

A Twisted Halloween II: Spectral SoireeWhere stories live. Discover now