Chapter 5: How Many Times?

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At a different location of the Spectral Realm, this place is known as the Forbidden Laboratory. There are a few machines, a few glass capsules, and other essentials for a lab. There, Silver and Jamil know that they've been separated and try to find them. However, they have one problem.

Jamil says, "Great, we're back in the same room again. How many times does this make?"

"Strange. I didn't think my sense of direction was so poor," Silver says.

"Same here," Jamil replies. I'm guessing it has something to do with the magic in this place. We've been marking our way, but we're still getting lost. I suspect space itself may be distorted."

"Space becoming distorted..." Silver says, shocked. And says, "I've heard of this happening. Do you think it's possible we're in the Spectral Realm? I've been told the Spectral Realm warps space and connects areas together in odd ways, making it extremely easy to get turned around. That would explain why we've been lost for so long."

"The Spectral Realm, hm..." Jamil says, and thinks for a bit.

Then asks, "Did you hear that from a reliable source?"

"Yes. My father's seen it himself," Silver answers.

"Oh... I see. I'm sorry if I brought up some painful memories. I didn't know your father had already, ah..."

But Silver says, "His work once led him to the border between life and death. He glimpsed the Spectral Realm, said 'Oh, crumbs!' and came right back."

"That's not what I was expecting, but all right" Jamil replies

Then says, "If it's so easy to get lost here, then wandering around without a plan is probably a bad idea. Let's inspect this room a little more."

Soon, Jamil and Silver begin to explore the room a little more.

Jamil says, "Well, there are tons of machines, but I can't tell what they're for. They all look rather old."

"I thought we might need provisions if this trail drags on, so I checked the tank for fish... But all I found was something strange and murky floating around," Silver says.

"What do you mean? Was it algae?" Jamil asks.

"It's hard to say. It could be a corpse of some kind," Silver answers.

"...And yet you say that so casually," Jamil replies.

Then says, "Also, let's just back up to that fish thing. NO WAY are we eating any sea creatures that came from this place."

"Hunger saps your stamina and clouds your thinking. It's vital to secure a food source in any crisis," Silver says.

"That's not what I..." Jamil says, but decides to change the subject, "... Look. Whatever. The point is... There are large machines in the center of this room. It's clearly not a private residence. We should assume it's some kind of lab."

The two then walk towards the machine. And suddenly, some kind of glint appears.

Silver notices, "Hm? I just saw a glint of something on the floor. It's wedged between the machines."

Silver kneels down and pulls out something from between the machines. What he sees is a mirror piece.

Silver observes the object, "A blade? No, it's a mirror. Rather small, though. Perhaps a piece of something larger?"

"It doesn't look like it came from any of this machinery. Maybe it's just trash," Jamil says.

Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Gone..."

"Hey, I hear a voice," Silver says.

Then the voice appears again, "Gone... it's gone... Where, oh where did I drop it?"

As the two wonder who is talking, they look to see something or someone past the machine.

Jamil points out, "Look, past the machine!"

What they see is a female ghost wearing a purple color dress with light purple, a pale purple collar, and a pale pink ribbon on it. She also has curly gray hair and a black hat with lavender color feathers on it. She appears to be looking frantically for something.

The Ghost says, "I'm going to be late for the party... And the boss is the LAST person I want to keep waiting!"

"It's a ghost - one we can clearly see," Jamil says.

Then turns to Silver, "You suggested this might be the Spectral Realm... I think I'm starting to believe you."

"Oh no," Silver says, concerned.

"What is it?" Jamil asks.

"That ghost might be the wonder of this building. I must apologize for entering without permission," Silver says,

But Jamil says, "What?! Hey wait! We should lie low anc check things out before showing ourselves -"

However Silver is already making an approach towards the ghost.

"...And he's gone. Talk about honesty to a fault," Jamil replies with a frown.

Silver walks to the ghost and says, "Pardon me, ghost. I apologize for entering your abode without permission.

"Eep!" The ghost replies startled.

She stares at Silver and asks, "Are... are you alive?!"

"I mean you no harm. I fear I got lost," Silver says.

The ghost remains silent, and notices the mirror fragment in Silver's hand.

The ghost reacts, "Ah! That thing you're holding... That's my precious mirror fragment! I thought I'd lost it, but you stole it, didn't you?!"

And demands, "Give it back at once, you thief!"

And soon, she begins to attack them. Jamil and Silver are caught off guard, but quickly dodges her attack.

Jamil reacts, "Whoa! She got aggressive real fast!"

"All right. If it's that important to you, I'll return it at once," Silver says, and plans to return the mirror.

He presents it to her and says, "Here. It's yours."

"Huh? Oh um, thanks..." The ghost replies.

Then takes back her fragment.

"Goodness, you're more of a gentleman than I thought. I didn't expect you to just hand it over... But you won't get out of this that easily!" The ghost says calmly.

Then says in a serious tone, "Just because you gave it back doesn't mean you didn't steal it! Thieves are supposed to go to jail and pay for their crimes!"


And suddenly, three more ghosts appear.

Jamil eyes wide in shock "There's nothing to 'get out' of! We didn't even do anything! This is nonsense!"

Then turns to Silver, "Get ready to fight, Silver!"

"But..." Silver speaks up.

Then the ghost says, "The boss wants us to bring in the living, and that's just what the boss will get!"

And the ghosts begin to attack with their magic.

Seeing there is no other option, Silver says, "Rrgh... So be it!"

A Twisted Halloween II: Spectral SoireeWhere stories live. Discover now