Chapter 16: I Wasn't Invited?!

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Meanwhile, back in the Mirror Chamber, Crowley and the rest of the staff are waiting for the students to return.

And Crowley is being dramatic and concerned again, "How many hours has it been since the Hallowenders' last report? They haven't been in tough for so long! I can barely speak, but for worrying!"

"Calm yourself, Headmage," Trein says.

"You were the one who said the only thing we can do is stick together and support them," Crewel says.

"Yes, it's true," Crowley says, "With the school sealed off from the outside world, we're the only ones who can save them if something happens! We must band together and..." But stops, and says, "Wait a moment. The school's sealed off, which means no one can enter... So if you all had gone home, you wouldn't have been able to come back. Why were you still on campus after it closed for the night?"

"GRK," The teachers react, and remain silent.

"Well, ah,, you see..." Trein says.

Then Sam says, "I just had an ebay-weensy bit of business to take care of..."

"Yeah, that's right!" We DEFINITELY weren't having a Halloween wrap party in the Mystery shop," Vargas says.

Crewel sternly scolds, "Vargas!"

"A wrap party?" Crowley questions. "And... " and he grows upset, "I wasn't invited?!"

Sam says, "We weren't trying to leave you out! You were just so busy, it was hard to find the time to tell you!"

Then Trein says, "I was thinking I'd invite you later, after things had settled down. Isn't that right, Lucius?" And holds his pet cat.

"Mroooowr..." Lucius says, lets out a meow and hiss.

"I don't believe this. You were all having a diverting party without me?" Crowley says, feeling hurt.

Then gives them a disapproving look, "I see how it is. You thought having the boss around would spoil your fun, didn't you?!"

"Well..." The teachers reply.

"I'm not hearing any denials!" Crowley shouts.

Suddenly, Crewel says, "...Oh! Look! The Dark Mirror's glowing!"

"You seein' that, Headmage?!" Vargas questions.

"Oh, it's all right. Perfectly fine, really. I'll consider it water under the bridge..." Crowley says, remaining calm. And shouts, "SEEING AS I'M SO MAGNANIMOUS."

However, the Dark Mirror soon begins to glow.

Then they hear screams, "Whoa!"

Soon, Riddle, Rook, and Silver fly out of the mirror.

"Hunt! Silver!" Roseheart!" Crowley cries out.

Soon, everyone begins to fly out of the mirror portions at the time and hit the ground.

"Owww... I fell right on my butt, and then Trey landed on top of me. Dude, you nearly crushed me!" Ace says, feeling in pain.

"Tch. There had to have been a less bumpy way to make that jump," Leona says.

The students continue to pop out of the mirror and some end up falling on each other or falling to the ground upon entry.

"The others are coming through the mirror as well..." Trein says.

He then asks, "Is everyone safe?!"

"Positively. I made absolute certain to return everyone to school," Malleus says.

"YOU Did?" Trein says, confused.

Then asks, "What in the world transpired on the other side of the Dark Mirror?"

Everyone looked at each other and was not sure what to say.

"Oh, um, well, that part is a bit hard to explain," Briar says, and still has the sleeping Grim in her arms.

"It's kind of a long story," Sereia says.

"Yeah. Long story," Tanzanite and Jasper says.

Even Trinket nods her head in reply.

Suddenly, Riddle realizes, "What about Halloween?!"

"Let us go and check!" Rook says.

And with that, the students begin to rush out of the Mirror Chamber to get outside.

Crowley calls out, "Boys? Girls? Where are you going?! Wait!"

Crowley and the staff quickly follow.

"Did you see that?" Riddle asks.

Soon, they arrive at the front gates to see the gates to the outside world have been opened and the sun begins to ride into the sky.

"The sky's growing lighter. Night is changing into day," Riddle says.

"That means..." Silver says.

"Check your smartphones! They should show a new day has dawned!" Rook says.

The students quickly check their phones and watches to see that the date and time has changed to the start of the new day.

"Does that mean it's November 1st?!" Ace asks.

Ace happily cheers, "HALLOWEEN IS OVER!"

All the students begin to cheer knowing that Halloween is finally over and a new day has finally begun.

Soon, the staff arrived and caught up with the students.

Crowley takes deep breaths and says, "I finally caught up with you. We are completely in the dark right now! Someone explain what is going on!"

"What happened in the Spectral Realm?" Trein adds.

Then Crewel asks, "What was the cause of the unending Halloween."

"What were the ghosts after? Did you take care of 'em?!" Vargas adds.

"Well..." Riddle says, unsure how to answer.

"As Sereia and the twin dwarfs say. It's a bit of a long story, and we all need to rest at the moment," Rook says.

"Yeah. I will tell you one thing, though... We were all just having a good Halloween... together," Silver says.

"...Agreed," Riddle says, "This was truly a Halloween to remember."

Soon, all the students begin laughing, however, the teachers are confused.

One thing for sure, this is one Halloween the students of Night Raven College are going to remember for a long time.

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