Chapter 20: Don't Worry About It

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Leona, Ace, and Floyd battle Epel who is showing some resistance, and soon enough, they are able to defeat Epel and hold him down.

Epel says, "Aww. I've been beaten. But I won't go out crying! I'll see you again sometime! Ta ta for now!"

And suddenly, the white mist leaves Epel's body and he soon becomes limp.

Soon, Epel wakes up, "...Huh? What just happened to me?"

The three remain silent as they stare at Epel.

"Why are y'all eyeballin' me like Ah'm some spoiled apple?!" Epel asks, feeling uneasy.

Ace steps in and days, "Epel, I've got some bad news. I need you to just stay calm and listen..."

Epel decides to remain calm and listen to what Ace has to say. Ace explains to him about what's been happening at the school, how many students disappeared, the Halloween party, everything. Even the part he's been possessed by a ghost to make him act different than he originally is.

Epel is shocked, "Aaaugh... Say it ain't so!" and grows upset, "I got possessed by a ghost an' made a complete fool of myself? In front of... In front of y'all?"!

"Yup, that's how it went, Lollipop the Candy Fairy of the Land of Sugar," Floyd says.

Epel yelps, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!"

"Floyd's got a perfect memory for things people don't wanna hear..." Ace replies.

Then Leona says, "If Vil were here, he'd probably be crying tears of joy that you finally mastered the art of cuteness."

"Please, Ah'm beggin' you! Don't ever tell Vil about this!" Epel panics.

Then Ace says, "Hey, don't worry too much about it. That act fits perfectly with your look. If a random person saw it, they wouldn't even bat an eye."

"THAT AIN'T A COMPLIMENT!" Epel screams.

Then grows frustrated, "Grr... I ain't lettin' these ghosts off the hook. I'm gonna bust'em up real good! Teach 'em never to do that again!"

"And somehow our group just got louder. Well... guess it's still better than gettin' my nose pressed to keep the happiness in," Leona says, annoyed.

"What does your nose have to do with happiness...?" Epel asks, still upset.

Then Ace says, "You're better off not asking."

Floyd walks to Epel and says, "Yeah. If you keep makin' that face... all your happiness'll escape. Boop!" and taps him on his nose.

Epel exclaims, "Huh?! What in tarnation?!"

Then Leona says, "All right, knock it off. We're moving on. Stay on your toes."

And now Epel has joined Ace, Floyd, and Leona.

Through the incidents here, four of the missing many students have been found. However the rest of the students are still missing. And now knowing that the Halloween Party requires Mirror Fragments, they need to find them to get to the party and solve this mystery.

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