Chapter 13: Small-Time Punk

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Meanwhile, Deuce and Sebek are still having a tug o' war argument with the ghosts for the mirror fragment.

"Rgh, they just keep coming!" Deuce angrily says.

The small ghost giggles, "Hee hee hee! Ready to surrender?"

"If you settle down and behave, we'll get you to the boss in no time -" The larger ghost says.

Suddenly, they hear a strange noise.

The smaller ghost turns around, "Hm? Is something behind us...?"

Just then, Rook and Trey jump out from their hiding spot and shout, "BOO!"

The two scream, "AHHH! A GHOST!"

And the ghosts scatter away in fear.

"Aren't they ghosts themselves? Sheesh, talk about scaredy cats," Trey replies and shakes his head with a smile.

"Are you two okay?" Rook asks.

"Yes, sir! We got a bunch of mirror fragments too," Deuce says, and holds out the fragments of mirror they found.

Then points to the door, "And we found another door. It's under that roof over there."

"Tres bien! What a dependable young men you are," Rook happily says.

Then says, "I must make sure to do my part as well. Allow me to lead the way. Onward!"

Rook takes the lead and opens the door. Then he and the others walk through the door. And soon enough, they find themselves in another strange set of stairs.

"Isn't this the same place we found Deuce?" Trey questions.

"Hmm. It looks similar, but... I can't be certain," Rook says.

Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Tch..."

"Is someone here?!" Sebek questions.

Then someone walks as a familiar voice says, "Look at your losers, crowdin' together like chumps. Make me wanna hurl."

Shocked, Trey says, "Wait... That's..."

Approaching them down the stairs, and that person is.

"Cater!" Trey says, shocked.

Cater says, "Turn down the volume, bro! You're blastin' my ears off!"

"His tone and demeanor are rather prickly. This is clearly not our laid-back Monsieur Magicam," Rook says.

And concludes, "He's been possessed!"

Cater looks at Deuce and taunts, "Hey, kid. Yeah, you with the stupid little spade over your eye!"

"Yes?! Are you talking to me?!" Deuce asks, caught off guard.

"You were lookin' at me funny, weren't ya?" Cater questions.

"Huh? I wasn't-" Deuce quickly says.

But interrupted by Cater as he shouts, "You callin' me a liar? ARE YA?"

Then says, "A small-time punk like you, gettin' an attitude with me? I don't THINK so."

Shocked, Deuce says, "Man, Cater, I never knew you could give someone the stink eye like that..."

"I was under the impression that the ghosts were all cowards... But this one's a far cry from Deuce and all his pathetic sniveling!" Sebek says.

Offended, Deuce says, "Oh, come on!" I'm sure it was a... manly sort of sniveling!"

"Tch. You guys are gettin' on my last nerve!" Cater says, irritated. Then says, "I ain't got the patience for this! I'm just gonna mop the floor with your whole stupid groups."

"But of course - patience is the nemesis of beauty. Or that is what I'd normally say. But this situation is anything but normal," Rook says.

"You're telling me. On the outside, at least, Cater can come off as flippant and fickle... But he would never take out his anger on someone else," Trey says.

"That's right! We're taking our Cater back right now! Deuce says.

Just then, Cater says in irritation, "Oh, for the... ZIP IT, WILL YA?! Didn't anyone teach you that silence is golden?! TIME TO GIVE YOU ALL THE BOOT!"

Cater charges at the four friends. Just then, Sebek, Trey, Rook, and Deuce are able to catch him off guard and pin him down to the ground.

Cater struggles in frustration, "Argh... LEMME GO!"

"Rgh, you might be strong... but you're not strong enough to take on all of us! Give it up already!" Sebek says, holding on to Cater.

"You punks are makin' me mad..." Cater angrily says, struggling to break free, "Fine you wanna play like that?"

He then calls out, "You! Quit gawkin' and do somethin'!

Trey becomes confused, "Huh? Who's he talking to?"

Rook looks around and notices someone, "Ah! Look, at the end of the stairway!"

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