Chapter 10: Gonna be a Trainwreck

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Having said that he's going to smash it, Floyd approaches the Dark Mirror.

He holds his fist out and says, "Here, let's try it right now."

But Ruggie quickly stops him, "WHOA! Slow your roll, Floyd!"

"If you did that, what do you think would happen to the students who were sucked into the mirror?!" Riddle adds.

"Who knows? Maybe they'll come back if we're lucky," Floyd answers.

"You can't roll the dice with 600 lives!" Jamil exclaims.

"You have no idea what you're doing. I want nothing to do with this," Leona replies.

"Gracious, that scared me..." Crowley says, calming down a bit. "Ahem!"

Then says, "Yes, if we broke the mirror it would also break the spell over the school. But that would by no means ensure the safety of our students. It's possible they'd never return. And also, the Dark Mirror is EXTREMELY valuable, so pleasanton't smash it! The mirror appears to be connected to another dimension... Which means there is but one way to resolve this safety. We must enter the mirror and root out the problem at the source. Come on, everyone... Let us join together and save our students and reclaim the new day!"

Everyone remains silent.

"...Yes, yes, I know how this goes. None of you want to do it, right?" Crowley suspects, "That's fine. Completely fine! No different than usual. I'll just find a suitable motivation for you -"

But the students answer, "LET'S DO IT!"

"Wait, WHAT?!" Crowley asks, shocked.

"Whatever's the matter, Headmage? You sound shocked," Rook asks.

"What's gotten into you people? This is normally the part where you go 'Sounds like a pain,' or 'Do it yourself.'" Crowley asks, still shocked.

"I think not!" Silver says. "This concerns Malleus, Lilia, and all our friends. How could I not go to their rescue?"

Then Jamil says, "We also want things to get back to normal."

"Agreed. I have zero tolerance for those who caused chaos on campus," Riddle says.

"I'm not lettin' whoever pulled one over on me get away from it," Leona says.

"See, we're all quite motivated to aid our friends!" Rook says.

"My precious pupils...!" Crowley says. And soon he's in tears, "Never before have I shed such warm tears of joy..."

Then Ruggie says, "you're also forgetting something key. Headmage."

"Oh? What's that?" Crowley questions.

"If Halloween never ends... That means no winter holiday!" Ruggie says and holds a grin on his face.

Crowley looks at Ruggie with a dumbfounded expression.

And angrily asks, "THAT'S the issue?!"

Then Floyd says, "Halloween's cool and all, but I'd get real sick of it if it went on forever."

"The holidays and New Year's are major hustle opportunities! I gotta be able to get back home," Ruggie says.

"Ah, of course. It's not just your friends you're worried about, but your holiday. What was I thinking?" Crowley says, sounding kind of sarcastic.

"Anyway, we've no time to dawdle. Rule 53 states: 'When something is stolen from you, you must take it back!' I'll be taking my card soldiers back RIGHT NOW! Let's move!"

And Riddle charges towards the mirror.

"Hey, no fair, Goldfish! Reckless enthusiasm is MY brand!" Floyd says, and runs towards the mirror too.

Silver cries out, "Both of you, wait!"

And with that, Riddle and Floyd run through the mirror.

"Oh la la. They dove right in before anyone could stop them," Rook says, and shrugs his shoulders.

And suddenly, the mirror glows again, and Riddle and Floyd fly out.

Causing them to yelp, "WHOA!"

"And they crash to the ground.

Floyd screams, "OWW!"

"Oh la la. Welcome back," Rook says.

"Oof..." Riddle says, and falls to the ground.

Riddle stands up and asks, "Why did it kick us out?! I thought it was taking people!"

"Are you guys a couple of rampaging wildebeests?" Leona questions.

And hold out the invite, " Read the invite again."

Riddle takes the invite to see the invite saying, "Invitation. All Night Raven College students are cordially invited to a Halloween Party. Come and join the festivities. I await you at the venue."

"Yeah, so? It's just a regular invitation," Floyd questions.

But Leona says, "Now read the asterisked part."

"What asterisk?" Floyd asks.

Then everyone looks at the invite again.

"Invitation. All Night Raven College students are cordially invited to a Halloween Party. Come and join the festivities. I await you at the venue."

And this time, they notice something else under it.

The writing is small, but it read, "*This party has a dress code. The host can provide attire in limited quantities, so please prepare in advance."

"What is this? Fine print for ants?" Floyd asks, confused and shocked.

Riddle becomes frustrated and his face turns red, "They should write it bigger if it's so important!"

Lona sighs, "I can already tell this is gonna be a trainwreck."

"The two of you hold such passion for your friends. Tres bien!" Rook says.

"What's the dress code, though?" Silver wonders. "Our dorm uniforms are perfectly suitable formalwear, but they're not okay for this?"

Then begins to wonder, "What could be more appropriate for a party...?"

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