Chapter 15: "But a Prelude"

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The two separate groups battle it out, however the possessed students, mainly Vil, haven't put up much of a fight.

Vil says, "How could you bruise up my lovely form?! You humans are awful creatures!"

"I was a chump to even bank on this weirdo ghost. I can't stand ANY of you guys!" Cater angrily says.

And with that, the two ghosts leave Cater and Vil's bodies and disappear. Soon, the two wake up.

Cater asks, "Huh? Where am I? What was I doing?"

"What's going on here? And why do my eyes feel puffy?" Vil asks.

"Cater!" Trey says relieved.

Rook is even more relieved, "Vil!"

"Looks like they're both ghost-free. What a relief," Deuce says.

"Indeed. They certainly didn't make it easy for us," Sebek says.

Confused, Cater says, "So, uh... I'm a little out of the loop, but I'm getting the feeling we messed up somehow?"

"Allow me to explain," Rook says.

And with that, Rook explains to Cater and Vil about what has happened in the school and how they've been possessed by ghosts. Soon, Cater and Vil are caught up, and are shocked to hear it.

"Whoa... Are you for real?" Cater asks, shocked, "I had a mega chip on my shoulder and was going off on your guys?"

"Yeah, kinda," Trey answers.

"Your death stare would've given Riddle a run for his money," Deuce says.

"Oh geez, I'm SO sorry. I don't remember any of it!" Cater says, still shocked.

Vil is just as shocked, "You're telling me that I was acting like a whiny little mouse the whole time? I can scarcely believe it."

"I wouldn't describe you as a mouse, per se..." Sebek says.

Then Rook reassures Vil, "It's all right, Vil. What matters is that you've come back to us. I must say, my blood ran cold when I awoke and found you missing."

"Rook, I am very sorry to you, and everyone else, for the trouble I caused," Vil apologizes.

But Sebek says, "Forget the apologies! Tell us, do either of you remember any details from before? The headmage informed us that none of our groups have found Malleus and Lilia yet! I'll take any scrap of information, no matter how insignificant!"

Vil and Cater think about the past events.

"Hmm..." Cater replies.

Then says, "Well, when I woke up, I was someplace that was pitch-dark. No idea where though."

"Likewise. And right when I wondered where I was, I heard someone say, 'This is but a prelude of what's to come.' Everything after that is a blank."

"A prelude of what's to come..." Trey questions.

Deuce slams his fist against the palm of his hand, "How disrespectful can you get?!"

Then Cater remembers, "Oh yeah! Actually, I think I remember hearing Malleus' voice."

"You do?!" Sebek asks, shocked.

"Yep. He sounded frustrated. He was all like, 'How could I of all people struggle so?' I don't remember much else, but that sticks out because it surprised me so much," Cater answers.

Sebek soon becomes devastated, "Ma... Ma... Malleus... MALLEUS SAID WHAT?!"

The others are shocked about this as well.

"THE Malleus Draconia was fighting a losing battle?!" Rook asks.

Still devastated, Sebek says, "Oh, my liege... if anything has happened to you... I feel I would just..."

Deuce grabs Sebek by his shoulders and shakes him, "Keep it together, Sebek!"

"Sounds like we don't have time to be standing around chatting," Trey says.

"Agreed. Come, everyone! We must hurry on!" Rook says.

Everyone agrees and decides to continue on, knowing that there isn't much time.

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