Chapter 1: I'd Like to Move On

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In the strange stairways, Jack, Jamil, and Silver are discussing what they need to do about it.

"So Halloween's not ending, huh? The more I hear about this whole thing, the less sense it makes. And you guys formed a group called... uh, what was it again?"

"The Hallowenders," Silver answers.

"You don't have to use that terrible name if you don't want to, Jack," Jamil says.

"We all set out together to put an end to this Halloween... But we got split up when we went through the Dark Mirror. I wonder how the others are fairing," Silver says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Hello? Viper? Viper, are you getting this?

"Hm? Does anyone else hear the headmage's voice?" Silver asks.

Just then, Jack notices a glow on Jamil, "Jamil, the pocket on your shirt's glowing!"

"What in the world?!" Jamil asks, and looks down to see the glow.

He quickly realizes, "Oh, I think it's the View glass."

Jamil reaches into his pocket and pulls out the Viewglass necklace.

Jamil calls out to it, "Headmage! This is Jamil Viper, vice housewarden of Scarabia."

Soon, Crowley appears in the mirror and says, ""Ah, Viper! I'm relieved you're all right,"

"I can see the headmage in the mirror? What's going on?!" Jack asks in surprise.

"It's a communicator. The headmage and the other teachers have mirrors that are connected to a set of pendants," Silver answers.

Then explains, "But they haven't been working, assumedly because of Spectral Realm interference. I'm glad we're finally getting through."

"I'm pleased to see you're also safe, Silver. And I note that Howl is with you! How wonderful you've been rescued as well," Crowley says.

"As well? Does that mean..." Jamil replies.

"You've gotten in touch with the others too?" Silver asks.

"That is correct. You were the last Hallowenders I needed to reach. Now everyone on the team is safe and accounted for. Including Howl, you all have located a total of cour abducted so far." Crowley says.

"Ah, what great news!" Silver replies, relieved.

Then Jamil asks, "Headmage, would you mind briefing us on the situation as it stands?"

Crowley explains to the three about his contact with the other groups. So far, each of them has found a missing student, but everyone else is still missing.

"I see. So the Hallowenders have been split into four groups. And much like us, the others found themselves in a place with an endless stairway, where their Viewglass started working." Silver says.

"Hmm..." Jamil thinks. Then says, "If these are the same stairways... We could theoretically find the others and meet up."

"From what Ortho Shroud told us, he couldn't detect any bio-readings aside from those in the group. Likewise with Kingscholar and Hunt. They've sensed no sign of any other living creature." Crowley says.

"Maybe that means we're REALLY far apart?" Jack suggests.

But Jamil says, "If only. The places might look identical, but with time and space distorted, we could be in different dimensions entirely.

"Oh... Right. Jack replies. "Guess it's not the Spectral Realm for nothin'. So it'd be a waste of time and energy to look for Leona or Ruggie..." Jack says.

Then Silver says, "We shouldn't linger here. I'd like to move on; we've got more people to rescue."

"Agreed. It's probably best we're split into smaller groups anyway, so we can find as many mirror fragments as we can," Jamil says.

"No objections here. I'm not gonna slow you guys down," Jack says.

In the mirror, Crowley says, "Heh. The other three teams reached the same conclusion as well. You all pick the strangest times to be on the same page. I must urge you to remain cautious, however. The others report that the ghosts try to possess people when they get startled. So stay sharp and don't let your guard down - not even for a second!"

"You don't have to worry about us, Headmage," Jamil says.

"That's right, we Hallowenders will handle this," Silver says.

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