Dani and Lilly

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Dani POV
Beep ... Beep ..beep

Ughhh why ? Why this early ? I whispered because I didn't want to wake up my little sister Lilly .

Why I'm waking this early ? Oh I remember, visitors ! I know they would never adopt us because we are 2 and they are always looking for only one kid. But I have to look nice and my sister too .

So I took a bath , washed my teeth and dried my hair . For my outfit I picked a nice purple hoodie with black jeans and my black tennis and I putted a black bow in my curly hair.
And what I'm going to choose for Lilly ..... Oh crap I forgot to wake up Lilly ! I quickly got into her bed and start telling her to wake up

"Lilly wake up , you need to get ready we are having visitors " I said
"Why do I have to wake up if we never get adopted? " she said in sad tone
"At least we have to look nice , so now go to the shower and meanwhile I will choose your outfit " I said to her in a bossy tone

She quickly gets up and goes to the shower , and I chose her a purple shirt with white leggings and purple flats .
When she came out of the shower I helped her change and then she asked me :

"Hey , how you can have a bow and I can't ? " she said with sad tone
" ok , fine I will get you one " I said to her .

I remembered that mom used to put us bows a lot of times . So I grabbed a purple bow and put to her straight hair . Then she quickly went to her bed and grabbed her bear . Oh yeah that bear is her EVERYTHING ! She always have it with her but well she is just 6 . Then my thoughts were interrupted by Ms.Katherine ( the orphanage owner ) yells telling us to come down . Me and my sister went downstairs and sat together . Then my sister whispered into my ear :

"Dani , do you think we can be adopted this time ? I just want a family , like in the old times " she said

I didn't say anything to her I just gave her a smile . Then Ms. Katherine said :

"Children today a special group of people are coming well a group of girls. "
"Who is coming?" I said
" FIFTH HARMONY " she said "they will sing and adopt one of you guys " ms . Katherine said

I was so excited that my favorite Girl Band is coming but the excitement disappeared when Ms . Katherine said they will only adopt one ! DAMN IT
Well at least we are going to see them .

"Dani and Lilly when the girls get here , can you please open the door ?
"Sure" I said and Lilly just nodded her head

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that Lilly is really shy , she rarely speaks to other people , but she talks with me all the time . The cause that Lilly is mute is by our parents death , she was just 3 years when they died . That day we where on the fair , that's where Lilly got her Teddy Bear. That day was perfect but when we were coming back to home a drunk stupid driver crashed with our car . Only mom and dad passed out , I got seriously hurt and Lilly was in coma but thankfully she woke up . My grandparents weren't able to take care of us , so that's why we ended up in here . My thoughts were interrupted by knocks on the door . I grabbed Lilly's hand and went to the door . I opened the left door and Lilly opened the right door , and then I saw them they were just PERFECT!

Lilly POV
I opened the door and saw 5 girls standing in there they look so beautiful, I looked at my sister and she was smiling like a weirdo , why does she has to be that weird? I thought ,then one of the girls approached to us and said:

"Hey sweeties , do you know where is Ms.Katherine ?" The girl said
"Yes she is in the living room " Dani said and pointed where the living room was "Lilly why don't you go with them ? I just have to pee " she whispered yelled that last part , but it was clear enough because all the girls were chuckling. I nodded and started to go to the living room . Then the shortest of all the girls said :

"So your name is Lilly right ? " she asked and I just nodded
"My name is Ally and they are Lauren , Dinah , Normani and Camila " Ally said pointing to all of the girls and I just waved at them , and they just made an " Awww" do they think I'm cute ?
Oh so Camila was the one who talked to me and my sister first she seems nice and funny .

When we got into the living room Ms . Katherine was in there with the rest of the kids of the orphanage and Dani was already waiting for me . So I ran with her and just told her all that happened .
Then all the girls presented themselves and started singing .
They sang like angels , the songs they sang where
Miss Movin On , Boss , Sledgehammer and Me and my girls

After that , they said that they will talk in private for a minute and they went to the kitchen . Me and my sister just sat in there talking of random stuff.

Camila POV
We came to this orphanage to adopt one girl but we cannot decide who to choose ! We are deciding between the two little girls that opened the doors for us they both look so adorable !

"Guys , if we choose the 2 girls ? " I said
"But Mila , I don't know if we can care of two girls " Ally said
"We can , we will help each other to take care of them " Normani said
"Yeah it will be fun! " Dinah said "What do you think Lauren ?"
" I don't know , I'm not that good with kids " Lauren said "But I will try to be good if that makes you guys happy"
"It will make me so happy Lauren" I said
"Ok, so we will adopt Lilly and the other cute girl ... Does someone knows her name ? " Ally said

We all shook our head , and then I asked

"Who will be the mom for one of the girls and who will be for the other girl ? I said
"I think Ally can be one of the mothers" Dinah said
"And can I be the mother for the other one ? I asked sweetly
"Yes" they all said at the same time

So we got out of the kitchen and went with Ms.Katherine and told her everything and she began to do a happy dance , and she explained us that she was happy for them because they usually don't get adopted . She told us the name of the older girl is Dani and she told us how they ended in here . That story was so sad , she also told us the reason why Lilly is so quiet . From what Ms.Katherine said they sound like good girls . Me and the girls signed some papers to make them officially ours. Ally was mom of Dani and I was from Lilly , but all of us are going to act like mothers to them

"Can we go to tell them the good news ? " I asked
"Sure" Ms.katherine said

We saw the girls in a couch just talking , they look so cute then Dani notices that we are looking at them and she waves at us and we waved back. Then we started walking to the them and Dani said:

"Hi my name is Dani and she is my sister Lilly" she says pointing to Lilly
"Hi Dani , I'm Ally and they are Camila , Lauren , Dinah and Normani " Ally said
"Dani and Lilly we adopted you ,do you want to go home with us? " I asked and their faces turned into shock
"Of course we want to " Dani said in an excited voice
"Ok , so lets go and pack all of your stuff" Lauren said

Hey guys this is my first fanfic , promise that this will get more interesting and make sure to vote and comment.
Be free to comment any suggestions or ideas you want me to make in this story

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