Is that you?

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Dani Pov

"Natalie? , i-is that you ?" I asked shocked. "Yes its me I'm alive" she said like if it was obvious . my eyes widened. I looked back to my sister and Brooklyn and Bella they were still asleep. I stood up and hugged my oldest sister "What are you doing?! Get away from me little brat!" Natalie said and Lauren stood up from her place and came in front of me to protect me. "It looks like you and Lilly have replaced me for someone else" Natalie said "She is my best friend, no wait more like the big sister I never had" I said and she gave me death glare. "What are you doing here Jason?" Lauren asked still standing in front of me. "Do you remember the night I went to your house and we broke up , because you chose them instead of choosing me? Well I was so angry at you that I decided to get my revenge on you and I found another one who also wanted to get a revenge on all of you" Jason said "I have been spying on you and Lilly, I saw that you were getting closer to Lauren and you were replacing me for this stupid bitch and I also saw that you didn't even mention me to Lilly. She doesn't even knows that she has a older sister. You Daniela are the worst sister , I can't believe that I had to take the worst punishment from dad for you , back when we were younger. You are such a brat and little pice of shit " Natalie said and Lauren slapped her. "Don't dare to call her like that" she said "Oh Lauren now that I remember hadn't you told Lilly the big news ?" Natalie said and I looked at Lauren "Which news ?" I asked her "It's a long story" Lauren said , her black hair was in her face but I could see that her eyes were getting puffy and she had some tears. "Lilly is not our blood sister"Natalie said "We adopted her, but after doing some research I found out who were her real parents. " she said "You better stop it right now , I'll talk to her I promise !" Lauren said and now she was crying. "And then , what did you found ?" I asked Natalie "That her parents are in this room" she said and I looked at Lauren and Jason. "Lauren tell me that this is a joke " I said and Lauren shook her head "It's true" I looked back to see the rest of the girls and for my surprise Lilly was awake and she had tears on her green eyes ,the same green eyes like Lauren's and her blondish hair as Jason's was messy. Lilly stood up and went where near Lauren and she said "Lauren is it true ?" Lilly asked and Lauren nodded. Lilly hugged her and she said "I love you no matter what" and I couldn't held it but smile at this scene. Then Jason grabbed Lauren by her arm separating her and Lilly from the hug and took her out of the room. "Wait where are you taking her ?" Lilly asked "Oh she is going to suffer as much as I suffered" Natalie said and closed the door of the room.
"So we are not sisters ?" Lilly asked me "What? It doesn't matter that we didn't come from the same mother but you are the one that has been there for me since I can remember , And I will always see you as my sister" I said and Lilly hugged me "You are the best sister Dani" she said. All the happiness vanished when Brooklyn -who is now awake-said "Sorry to interrupt your sister bonding thingy , but what are we going to do without Lauren?" She said I looked at Bella she looked at me with hope she have had some rough days. I couldn't let them down. "It's going to be fine if we stay together." I said "I hope that Lauren is fine we don't know what they are doing to her !" Bella said but after 2 sec she started to cry "I just want to go home and be back with Ally, Normani , Dinah and Camz" she said "I also miss them Bella, we all miss them but I promise you that we will be back home before christmas" Brooklyn said hugging her sister.

**9 hours later**

Lauren hasn't come back yet and we are all getting kinda of nervous.
"We must find a way out of here" Lilly said looking around the room "And live Lauren behind ?No way"Brooklyn said and Lilly shook her head . "We will find a way to get out of here and then when she comes back we will leave" Lilly explained. Then I saw this big closet , it was surely covering something. "Guys help me move the closet" I said they all came, the closet was heavier from what I thought. We finally moved it to the side and there was a small door but it had a lock. "And now what ?" Lilly said I was about to answer her back but we heard someone coming downstairs. "Put the closet back to its place" I whispered we moved it fast and sat down on the cold floor. Then Jason opened the door and Lauren was with him. They didn't say a word but Lauren entered the room and sat next to Brooklyn and then Jason closed the door. "Lauren are you okay ? You look awful!" Brooklyn said and Bella slapped her in the arm. "I'm fine thanks for asking" Lauren said looking down. "What they did to you ?" I asked her and she looked at me "Something that may or may not have a big consequence." She said and looked back to the floor. Lilly who was sitting next to me went with Lauren and she cuddled with her. "Sorry for not talking to you about all of this -you are my daughter thing-" Lauren said and Lilly simply nodded and hugged her. "Just cuddle with me" Lilly said and we all laughed. Even in the darkest days , Lilly can always make me smile.


I'm back guys !!! My exams are over and thank god I got good grades. So what do you think they did to Lauren ?? You probably will know for the next chapter but whatever in the next chapter I'm going to tell you some exciting news and yeah. So bye guys

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