Time Jump

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**Time Jump**
(3 months)
In these 3 months , the girls adopted Bella and Brooklyn and Austin and Alex were sent back to their home at New Jersey. The truth is that the Johnsons stole Alex and Austin from their parents and Alex and Austin's parents were looking for them all this time .
Ally wanted to adopt Bella but she couldn't because she already have adopted Dani(A/N I know that you can obviously adopt more than one child but I needed a plan to do something with this).Lauren said that maybe Dani's official tutor changed to her and Ally will be the tutor of Bella and they did. Brooklyn was adopted by Normani since Dianh couldn't adopt her since she was still too young. All the girls agreed to be their moms or sisters to all the younger girls. Dani first didn't like the idea that much that all the other girls were going to put attention to Brooklyn and Bella , she already felt left out when Lilly was here. Dani told the girls how she felt and they agreed that next week all the girls (separately)will spent a day with each girl. Dani liked the idea and she cannot wait for the next week to spend the days with the girls.
Now , Dani and Bella share a room since they are best friends and now sisters. And Lilly and Brooklyn share a room , because they have a good sisterhood. All the younger girls now go to dance classes. Dani became a competition dancer also with Brooklyn and Bella. Lilly didn't liked Dance a lot so she started doing some gymnastics and she is a really good at it and she is at level 4 and she is going to have her first competition on Saturday.
Ok and about the Camren thing , Brooklyn and Bella support them a lot ,especially Brooklyn who's motto (if you don't now what motto is , it's like your own quote , I just learned that a few days ago) is to "love who you want to love , it doesn't matter who it is or what it is , if you are happy with that person or thing in your life then you should spend the rest of your life with that one" Bella totally supports the girl power too. Camila and Lauren still haven't announced yet their relationship though, but they hope to do it next week.

***Right now is 3 pm at the girls house. They are all eating and soon all the younger ones most go to their classes.

"Dani,Brooklyn,Bella get ready for dance and Lilly get ready for gymnastics" Ally said and the 3 oldest girls ran upstairs while Lilly simply nodded and went upstairs slowly. "What's wrong with Lilly?" Dinah asks, when Lilly was already upstairs and far enough for not her hearing. "Yeah , she is usually a super hyper and exicited girl but right now she seems a little bit down" Lauren says sadly "Just a little bit? I say she is super sad" Normani said "That's not normal, perhaps something is bothering her" Ally suggested and all the girls agreed "I will talk with her" Camila said standing up from the chair and she went upstairs to Lilly's and Brooklyn's room. It was locked so Camila knocked on the door and Brooklyn opened it. Who now , was changed into a blue leotard , black leggings  and her hair was up in a messy bun.
"Hey Camila , you seem a little bit sad what's wrong ?" Brooklyn asked , she really cares more for the rest of the people than herself. "Nothing, is Lilly in the bathroom getting changed?" Camila asked And Brooklyn nodded "Well between us , have you noticed something strange in Lilly?" Camila asks the 12 year old "Well being honest with you I have , since yesterday night she has been a little bit down I noticed it when I asked her if she wanted Dani to sing to her in the night and she said no , also when I told her what new tricks has she learned in her gymnastics she didn't want to tell me , she usually shows me some tricks. She usually is really excited to go to gymnastics but she isn't today" Brooklyn said and then Lilly came out of the bathroom with a red and purple leotard and her hair was a mess. Camila enter the room and sat with Lilly on her bed. Brooklyn understood that they needed time alone , so she left the room and went downstairs with the other girls. "Hey Lilly"Camila said smiling at the youngest girl "Hi" Lilly said not looking at Camila. Camila put her finger on Lilly's chin to make Lilly look at her.Lilly has some tears on her eyes and she could cry at any moment. "Lilly don't cry , what's wrong with you?" Camila said softly to the Lilly. Lilly looked away , Camila started combing Lilly's hair and put it on a side braid "Why do you send us tons of hours to classes ? Are you tired of us ?" Lilly said out of nowhere and looked back at Camila.
Camila didn't now why did she fell like that."What do you mean Lilly?"  Camz asked her and she sighed. "All the days you send us to classes for 4 hours , some girls in my class say that , that what their parents do when they are tired of them they send them to tons of classes . First I thought that it was lie or they were playing with me but then everything came clear. When I come back from gymnastics you guys are always in your phones or playing music. We barely spend time together" Lilly said crying and Camila hugged her "No Lilly that's not true , we send you to classes because we think that doing a sport is a good thing" Camila said and Lilly hugged her. "And I promise to spend more time with you " Camila added and Lilly nodded. "I didn't want to talk to anyone because I was sad so don't ask " Lilly said and Camila smiled at her. She already knew what she was going to ask.
Lilly came downstairs with all the girls. They were watching the hunger games pt 1 because next week they are going to premiere the hunger games pt 2. Lilly putted in the middle of the screen and Camila was standing by the door. All the girls started to move their heads to see the movie. "Girls I love you so so much!" Lilly said with a big smile on her face. All the girls let out an aww and Lilly hugged each one of the girls. And she even hugged Camz again. "The Lilly I knew is back !" Dinah said "I love this version of Lilly more , than the other one"  Ally said and Lilly hugged her. From all the girls, Lilly missed talking to Ally and Camila. Ally  is funny , smart and caring and Camila too. She cuddled with Ally a little bit more and then it was time for all the kids to go to their classes. "Guys to the car right now if you don't wanna be late !" Lauren shouted upstairs and Bella and Dani came. Dani was wearing a pink top with black shorts and her hair was up in a ponytail and Bella was wearing a black top and black shorts with a pink shirt that said Dance like nobody is watching with yellow letters and her hair was up with a bun too with a yellow flower. Brooklyn and Lilly were already outside of the house. Lauren always takes the girls to the classes and Dinah brings them back home. Bella, Brooklyn, Dani and Lilly love when the girls are driving because they play games or sing songs out loud and sometimes they even record them. They were right now singing/dancing to BO$$ and Dani and Brooklyn were killing it . While Bella and Lilly were laughing and Lauren was recording along too. The first stop was the dance studio were Bella, Brooklyn and Dani go. They grabbed their backpacks with all their dance stuff and say bye to Lauren and Lilly. "So hey , now that the other girls left , do you wanna miss class ?" Lauren asked at Lilly and the younger one nodded. "What about if we go to the mall and then go this new fair." Lauren said. "Are you serious Lauren ?" Lilly asked to her and Lauren answered back "I have never said a lie to my family and you are part of my family so yeah I'm serious " Lauren said and Lilly started to jump up and down. Lilly couldn't stop thinking about how much fun they will have both of them.

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