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Lauren Pov
When we finished eating Lilly started talking about how cool her sister was and how she always cared about her . We all were so into the talk that when I turned around To see Dani she wasn't there . Maybe she went upstairs so I stood up and went upstairs and went to her bedroom.  I knocked and no one answered , I opened her room door and I found her crying on the bed . Why she was crying? Perhaps she felt left out when no one was paying attention to her

Dani Pov

I saw Lauren on my room she was the only one who noticed that I wasn't there ! "Why are you crying?" She asked me sitting next to me on the bed . "Why aren't you with Lilly since she is everyone favorite child ?" I asked back, I know I can't answer back to adults but since I was little I have been the rebel one , the trouble maker or the disobedient one . She looked at me with a shocked face . "Sorry " I said quickly looking down being sad about what I just said to her . "Why do you think that ? " she asked me
"Well because everyone seems to listen to her about what she says and everyone thinks she is cute or that she is more like you guys " I said and I started crying and Lauren hugged me and then when I look around my room all the girls were in there including Lilly . She sat next to me "Dani downstairs I was talking about how awesome you were and how caring you are with me and how you always help me with everything you missed it" she said "I don't know how I could still be alive without you Dani" she said and hugged me "Dani , we don't prefer Lilly over you . We all love you the same and it doesn't matter who is more like us like or who like to watch scary movies and who doesn't like to drink Coke " Dinah said smiling at me "Yeah , we may have somethings alike and some differences but you know what. that is what make you special Dani , how unique you are and you aren't like the rest of the girls " Ally said and all the girls nodded "I'm pretty boring and I'm not unique because I'm like every 6 year old and you are so unique I wish I could be you " Lilly exclaimed , I was so happy I hugged my sister how could I ever thought that my sister hated me or something like that she is the best and I couldn't change her for anything in the world "You are the best little sister Lilly , I love you so much !" I said and hugged her "I love you too" Lilly said
"Hey I want a hug too"Camila said and went and hugged us too and before I knew it everyone was in a big hug ! A 5h hug!!!!!! / including my sister too.

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