We are the best pranksters

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Third person

Dani,Bella,Brook and Lilly went to the games room since it was the nearest one and they didn't want to spend time with them after all they said to them.
"What's wrong with them?" Brook said
"I don't know, we just stood there and they started criticizing us" Bella said
"Let's go and tell Camila and Lauren what they said to us!" Lilly said
"No way, first of all they won't believe us and second they will think we are exaggerating or jealous, believe me" Dani said while she took a sit in the couch. "We should stay here all night, or until they leave"
All the girls agreed and since it was the game room they had all games they wanted, they had stuffed animals, X-Box, coloring books, a little kitchen, a book of experiments they could do, tons of books, movies, a big bed for them to rest and some couches and their fav the dressing up area.

*2 hours later*

"We have played all the games, read all the books, dressed up of all characters, made all types of foods and still they haven't left or any of the girls haven't come here to check on us." Bella said
"Yeah they are probably talking and having fun without us" Lilly said
"Like they always do" Brook said rolling her eyes
"Yeah that's normal in them" Dani said then an idea came to her mind "Do you guys want to prank?" She said making a grin with her face. She took out a book from under the bed, it was really ugly and on the cover it had the words "DANI'S BEST PRANKS" this words were craved to the cover.
"This is a book of pranks I have made and pranks people have taught me and also pranks I'll make" Dani said and opened the book and started looking for a prank
"Hold on" Brook said closing the book "Supposedly we can't give trouble to the girls today because their families are here"
"Yeah but what about their siblings they made us cry, they said mean stuff to us" Lilly said
"Yeah but if we do something bad to the girls and they get mad at us their siblings will keep annoying us or even make fun of us again!" Bella said
"But who said we were going to make the prank to the girls?" Dani said and moved Brook's  hand to keep looking for the prank.
Bella, Lilly and Brook looked at each other.
"So who are you going to make the prank?" Bella said
"Isn't it obvious???" Dani said and none of them answered them
"To their siblings!" Dani said frustrated
"Ohh, then I'm in" Lilly said
"If Lilly is doing it, I'm too" Bella said
All the girls looked at Brook who wasn't sure what to do.
"Fine I'm in" Brook said giving up "I won't let you guys alone in this one" she said
"We will never leave you alone" Lilly said
"Even in the bad times, all of us together we make it better" Bella said
"And we will never ever separate and will stick together" Dani said. They all hugged each other.
"So did you already found a prank?" Lilly said
"Well I found two simple ones, but really nasty" Dani said pointing to a page where she had two pranks written down
"The Toothpaste Cookie prank it basically consists taking a Oreo cookie taking the white stuff out and putting toothpaste instead." Bella read and continued reading the next one "The Nice looking Donut prank consists in putting as a frosting or putting inside the donut mayonnaise. It will look nice but when you taste it you will regret it" Bella finished reading the pranks.
"I vote for #2" Lilly said
"Yeah me too since is more disgusting than the Oreo one, now there even Mint Oreo cookies" Brook said
"I think 2 because I will definitely hate it if someone did that to me" Bella said
"So let's go for donuts and mayonnaise " Dani said
"How we will get it and no one noticing?" Brook said
"Who wants to go the supermarket?" Dani said grabbing a backpack and grabbing some money from behind some pillows.
"You are kidding right?" Brook said
"The supermarket is just 3 minutes away" Dani said opening the window
"Fine you aren't going to do this alone" Brook said taking her phone with her
"But wait what if the girls come?" Lilly said
"Oh please that haven't noticed us 2 hours and a half they'll obviously notice us in the next 10 minutes" Dani said and prepared herself to jump out the house.
"Yeah good point Lilly" Bella said and grabbed Dani by her shirt and pulled her back inside the room.
"Ok we will make something to not let them in or we will make them think we are here." Dani said rolling her eyes
"Ok so one good idea is locking the door, so Lilly please lock it" Dani ordered Lilly and she went to lock it. "Even though that won't make them in they will have the keys and open it, so that's why we need to move a chair to block the door, Brook can u please grab the white chair and put it in the door." Brook went and put the chair in the door. "Now they might open it still if they are really strong, so we can make them think we are here not being here" Dani said and turned around to look for something in her backpack
"We are going to record our voices!" Dani said taking out her recorder. All the girls laughed said phrases and talked for about 4-5 mins. "And last put a movie so they can't hear the recording that much" Dani said. They put High School Musical since they are always singing.
"Ok now can we leave?" Dani said and all the girls nodded and escaped through the window.
They quickly made it to the supermarket and as Dani said it was just 3 minutes away.
"Now we will split in 2 groups Brook and me and Bella and Lilly, so me and Brook will look for 3 donuts and Lilly and Bella you guys will look for mayonnaise, everyone has their phone?" Dani asks and they all nodded , so they grabbed those supermarket carts to go faster.
Brook and Dani:
They got to the bakery area fast , they didn't have trouble finding where it was located. They decided to buy 6 donuts , 3 where without frosting and the other ones were with chocolate frosting.
Lilly and Bella:
They went through most of the hallways until they found the mayonnaise. They also grabbed some sprinkles because well, who doesn't love decorated donuts.
Finally all the girls reunited and pay for the stuff.
They went back and entered back to the game room, it was still the same everything exactly as they left it.
"Fiuf, I taught that they were going to come and notice that we weren't here or in the house!" Lilly said
"I told you they weren't going to come!" Dani said putting the donuts and mayonnaise in the desk
"Yeah but it's kinda sad that they still haven't checked on us." Bella said
"Agree" all the girls said
"Ok let's start making this prank" Dani said
"Brook you will put the mayonnaise as frosting in 3 of the donuts" Dani said "Bella you will put inside to the other 3 donuts mayonnaise and you Lilly will decorate them with the sprinkles we bought ok?" And all the girls nodded their head "We are the best pranksters!" Lilly said and all the girls laughed "Meanwhile I'm going to go the kitchen for a plate, so we can put the donuts. Does anyone wants something??" Dani said moving the chair the putted in the door away.
"Can you bring us other clothes?" Lilly said "This Elsa dress is making me uncomfortable"
"Well I will ask the girls if we can change clothes and I will bring everyone another pair of clothes" Dani said opening the door. "If the girls come here by any reason, tell them that Austin and Alex gave us the donuts" she said and left the room.

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