Its Christmas Everybody part 1

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Lauren Pov
I woke up and it's 5am. I'm the one in charge to put the Christmas gifts under the tree.

After putting almost all the gifts, I grabbed the last four gifts, the gifts that will tell the girls that I'm pregnant. I'm not quite sure what there reaction will be, but I'm hoping they'll be happy for their new addition to the family.
I'm wondering what Camila got them, none of her gifts to the girls are here.

Dani Pov

I woke up and saw all the girls asleep in the attic. I needed to wake them up so we can go downstairs and see our gifts.

"It's Christmas everybody!" I shouted so I could wake them up. I see Lilly waking up immediately.
"It's Christmas! It's Christmas! Santa came and he left us gifts!" Lilly said
Bella woke up too and yawned "merry Christmas girls" Bella said sounded like ...well like every person sounds when they wake up.
"Hope we have a really nice Christmas! And dont have any drama today!" Brook said and let out a sigh.

Third Pov

Finally all the girls changed to some cute clothes. Dani put a black sweater, Brook putted a white t-shirt which said "I'm only a morning person in Christmas!" Bella wore a white and pink sweater and Lilly wore a flannel shirt. They went downstairs and they were amazed by the number of gifts who where there.
"Look at all of this gifts!" Bella said
"It's really amazing! OMG" Brook said holding a big box "This can be a hoverboard guys" all the girls laughed
"I have never had this tons of presents" Lilly said
"Yeah me neither, but we should get the girls gifts and put them in their rooms and then wake them up" Dani said
All the girls agreed on the idea of Dani.
They grabbed the girls presents and left their gifts in their bed, so when they wake up they could see them.
"So now , how do we wake them up?" Bella asks
"By just doing one single thing" Dani said going to the music room, the girls followed her. They stood in front of the microphone. "At the count of 3 we will shout "MERRY CHRISTMAS" ok?" Dani said
"1...2...3-MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!" All the girls shouted
"Are you sure that this is go-" Brook was interrupted by the girls opening the music room with their pjs on and messy hair and a death glare in all their faces
"What where you saying Brook?" Dani asked
"It's funny guys seeing you mad and even funnier with pjs on" Lilly said letting out a giggle at the end.
"Did you girls saw the gifts we left at your bedrooms?" Bella asked and all the girls were still too sleepy for saying words so they just simply nodded their heads.
"And did u opened them?" Lilly asked
"Nope , we wanted to come downstairs with you guys so we could all open our gifts together." Ally said

All the girls went to the living room, the younger ones were sitting in the couches of the living room looking to which present they will open first. Camila, Ally,Lauren and Normani went for the gifts Bella,Brook,Dani and Lilly left in there rooms.
"Hey Dinah , why don't you go for your gifts?" Brook said
"Well because I want to stay here with you girls and wanted to tell you something" Dinah said
All the girls got closer to Dinah
"Well, I wanted to tell you guys that it doesn't matter how many gifts you get , who get better gifts or who have less gifts , when I was younger I didn't get a lot of gifts in Christmas but I knew that my parents tried the best to get me gifts. And I wanted to tell you girls that you need to be grateful for what you get because not all girls or boys are able to get this amount of gifts. I remember one Christmas that I didn't get presents at all, but then some grateful men gave us gifts to my whole family and maybe there weren't the finest gifts but we really appreciate them. Finally girls,you guys are my gifts seeing your smiles just remind me of my little siblings. "
All the girls awwed and hugged Dinah.
"I promise Dinah that when I grow up I will give gifts to all the poor families!" Brook said
"Me too" Dani,Lilly and Bella said
"I'm so proud of you girls" Dinah said
"I'll be right back" Bella said
Bella went upstairs and got Dinah's gifts and gave them to her. Now all the other girls where downstairs too.
"You couldn't miss our gifts" Bella said giving them to Dinah. "I love you sooo much" Bella said in Dinah's ear. Then Bella took a sit next to her.

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