Meeting the neighbors

225 4 3

Camila Pov

After we finished with our breakfast . I remembered that yesterday Lilly lost her bear and that we promised that we were going to look for it today !
"Lilly what about if we start looking for your bed ?" I asked to my six year old who was sitting next to me and she stood up from her sit and ran to the backyard and me and all of the girls followed her.
•••••••20min later ••••••
We have been looking for that bear in the backyard for twenty minutes and we hadn't found it . Dani and Normani went inside the house to look for the bear . Then we heard laughs of kids coming from our neighbor's house . They have 4 children . They have Brooklyn that is 13 years old and then its Bella that is 10 years old then its Alex that is 7 years old and the youngest one Austin that is 2 years old .
Then I look to their side of the backyard and saw Bella and Alex playing soccer and Austin is playing with a stuffed bear. Then I call Lilly to come for me tell me how is the bear so I could know if the bear who Austin playing with is Lilly's. When I showed her the bear she told me that it was hers.
"Oh , hey Camila how are you? " Bella said to me while she grabbed the ball which her and Alex were playing and came closer to where I was . "Good thanks for asking Bella , umm I think that your baby brother Austin has my new daughter teddy bear " I said .
"Oh , yeah we found it yesterday and I think that Austin took it " she said while she took away the bear from Austin and Bella gave it to Lilly . "Thank you Bella " Lilly said to our neighbor "You are welcome and I'm sorry for not giving your bear before " Bella said "Don't worry, it's fine " I said
"So you guys adopted huh?" Bella asked me "Yeah we adopted actually two girls they were sisters so we couldn't separate them" I said "Aww she that so sweet from your part , she looks like a nice girl " She said to me
"Yeah , yeah wait till you meet the other one the trouble maker or the pranker" Lauren said getting into the talk and Bella just giggled and Dani came out to the backyard "Did you guys found the bear ? " Dani said "Yeah we found it and we want you to meet our neighbors" I said to Dani making a motion to come closer "so she is Bella and those are her younger brothers Alex and Austin . Actually you and Bella are almost the same age Bella is 10 years old and your 9 and half , so both of you can get along " I said to Dani and she smiled "nice to meet you my name is Dani " she said "Nice to meet you too my name is Bella " our neighbor said to Dani "You should definitely come over to my house so we can hang out if you want " Bella said "Yeah you can also come you our house whenever you want " Dani said . I hope they become Best Friends!
"Girls what about that after you Dani get a shower and change into clothes you can invite Bella to the house and maybe Alex can come to our house too , so he can meet Lilly perhaps they can also be friends ! " Lauren salid getting into the talk ... again !
"Yeah and maybe you could help me choosing new clothes for me ! " Dani said to Bella .
So we said bye to Bella and her brothers and we went inside to the house .

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