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With a jerk, my body shot up from the bed only to feel the hard cold ground a second later

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With a jerk, my body shot up from the bed only to feel the hard cold ground a second later.

My eyes scanned around the room not knowing where the hell I was until I saw the spots of stains that I had tried to cover up with paint, yet you could still see them no matter how much I went over them. Letting out a sigh knowing I was just in my room I put my cheek back on the cold floor.

My body was hot and sweaty so I didn't mind the cold.

I flinched leaning on my arms when a banging came from the other side of my wall.

"Be quiet!" I hung my head low letting out a deep breath seeing it was only my grumpy neighbor.

To be honest I couldn't blame him. For a couple of months, I have lived here I have screamed myself awake from nightmares or more like night terrors.

"I'm sorry Mr. Choi!" I yelled back only hearing a loud grunt from the other side.

I rolled over onto my back letting out a deep breath. My hand went to my neck feeling around if there weren't any marks left from the dream, but of course, that would be impossible. You can't get injuries from a dream. I have had nightmares ever since I escaped that God-forsaken place, but for the past months, they have been getting worse. There are only certain parts I remember, the rest is so blurry and I can't remember what they were about.

The only thing that has been recurrent is the other me. She has appeared in my dreams for the past week. Always saying the same thing, trying to give in to her. I always managed to say no or suppress the urge to say yes. But today it felt like I almost gave in.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard my phone going off from above me. With stiff limbs, I sat up taking the phone from the nightstand. A smile came to my face when I saw that I had two new messages. The first one was from Ji-su asking if I wanted to meet up later on so that we could go to work together.

You see we work together, we both play an instrument she plays the base and I the guitar. A month ago she came to where I work looking for a job, luckily for her, we indeed needed one. Our work is in a bar where you can listen to live music and our bassist had quit a week before, so she was more than welcome for my boss.

Because we had to work together so much we began to talk and quickly bounded over music and other stuff we both liked. If it wasn't for our work I wouldn't have bothered to talk to her. After moving here I wasn't in a rush to meet new people and become friends with them.

I came to find out that she needed a new apartment and that she was staying with a few friends for now. Luckily for her, there were empty apartments in Green Home where I lived.

After thinking about it for a long time I offered for her to stay with me until she could move in because she had told me that she was grateful that she could stay with her friends, but the space was a little cramped for that many people. She happily said yes and from that moment on we have been friends. If I was in her situation I would want to stay somewhere else as well.

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