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I watch as Hyun-su slides down against the wall opposite of me, taking out his phone from his pocket

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I watch as Hyun-su slides down against the wall opposite of me, taking out his phone from his pocket. I was still trying to control my breath from what just happened with my head facing the floor when I heard Hyun-su talk. 

"I might as well just kill myself now."

A frown came on my face while I lifted my head.

"What?" I breathe out?

"At least then." He paused for a second before continuing.

"I can die a human being."

the whole time he was looking at his phone not giving me one look.

I was about to tell him he shouldn't do it. At least not yet, when I heard voices coming from outside the window. With a confused look, I stood up and walked to the window. Carefully I pushed the curtains to the side looking if anything was in front of the window but there was nothing. I thought I just imagined it when I heard it again.

"What's that?" Hyun-su came standing beside me clearly hearing it as well.

I swallow thickly and with shaky hands, I slide the window open. The both of us looked outside trying to see if we could see the source of the voices.

"Look," Hyun-su whispered.

My eyes traveled down to where he was looking and saw a man hanging outside the window with ropes. What the hell was he doing? A little girl's voice was heard before we could see her head peeking out the window. The man looked up at her and that's when I recognized them.

"Mister Kim?"

I could see Hyun-su looking at me out of the corner of my eyes.

"You know them?" I nodded my head looking up.

"Yeah. I sometimes babysit his children. Su-yeong and Yeong-Su. They don't have a mom anymore and Mister Kim has to do it all on his own. So sometimes I babysit them when he has to go to work and stuff." I explain, before looking back at them.

The moment I looked back at them, my eyes widened. A monster, an eyeball-looking monster came from behind something right toward them. I heard Hyun-su saying get out of there, but the monster was already beside Mister Kim. The moment he laid eyes on the monster his grip on the rope lossen before losing it completely.

His scream together with the kids filled the air while he fell. I felt Hyun-su look away, but I couldn't. His screaming was soon replaced with an awful sound when he hit the ground. My legs were shaking underneath me while tears began to fill my eyes.

The kids were screaming for their dad which quickly changed to just regular screaming when the eyeball monster appeared in front of their open window.

"Su-Yeong, Yeong-Su," I whisper looking down in shock from what just happened.

Someone grabbed my shoulder pulling me away from the window. I blink a few times before seeing Hyun-su close the window and the curtains.

The both of us were breathing heavily, trying to process what the hell we just saw. In the background, I could hear the kids screaming in fear, but I couldn't move I was just looking at the closed window. Something inside of me was screaming to do something, to just move, but I couldn't.

The light of the outside hit my face making me snap out of my daze. I watch as Hyun-su throws his computer screen out the window. I was about to walk to him asking why he just did that when the sound of hitting something filled my ears. Hyun-su jumped back closing the window quickly, making me more confused.

I took a step forward, but he quickly moved away from the window taking me with him.

"What.." I try to say, but he just puts a hand on my mouth cutting me off. My hand went to his trying to protest when the ringing in my ears came again, followed by a shadow casting over my face from the outside.

My eyes widened when I saw the eyeball monster standing in front of our window. Hyun-su let go of me to pick up the stick he had laid somewhere before moving back to where I was standing.

The two of us stood there looking at the monster while it looked at us up and down. I was scared that if we would move, it would do something.

Its head turned around revealing another eye, who looked more pissed than the other one before it burst through the window.

Before it could reach us Hyun-su had stabbed it in its eyes. While it was injured and trying to see again we ran to the door when I felt something smacking my body into the wall knocking the air or of me.

I tried to open my eyes and see what was happening, but when I did everything was blurry. I moved my arms around trying to sit back up, yet it felt like they were made out of jello.

A scream left my mouth making me cover myself with my arms when I heard something like a canon go off, followed by something hitting the floor and Hyun-su gasping and coaching. Removing my arms I try to blink more together by rubbing my eyes and slowly my vision for better.

It was still a little woozy, but I could see things clearing up. My head shot to Hyun-su and saw that he stood up from the ground moving to the window. A frown came to my face before also stood up to follow him. Standing still for a moment when I saw the eyeball part of the monster lying on the ground in front of me.

"Mister Han," I said relieved seeing him sitting on the window with what looked like a self-made weapon. We watch as he puts his weapon back inside before coming back with a bottle, gulping some down while looking at us.

"W..who is that?" Hyun-su asked from behind me.

"Your neighbor who saved our lives," I mutter out still a little in shock from what just happened.

I hear Hyun-su opening his mouth to say something, but Mister Han quickly puts a finger to his mouth telling us to be quiet. The both of us nodded before his body disappeared back inside for a second before coming back out with a board in his hand.

'They might come if they hear anything.'

He went back inside before coming back with another board with writing on it.

'Those things don't die.'

"No shit," I mutter out, thinking back at the almost decapitated grey monster.

He nodded his head downwards, which made both of us look. An audible gasp left my mouth when we saw a body lying on the ground with a long, but I mean really long neck. Suddenly it sat up while the neck detached itself from its body before standing up and walking away.

My eyes followed how it stumbled on without any problem. My eyes went back to the window of the kids, trying to see if I could see one of them, but I could only hear them scream for their dad.

"Mi-na," Hyun-su whispered from behind me.

I gave him a soft hmm looking back at him.

"Look." He pointed back at where Mister Han was making me look at him.

Again he had a board in his hand, but now there were different words on it.

"Do you want to save those kids?" I whisper out loud.

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