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I was walking further down the hall when I saw Miss Cha fall down on the ground while the guy with burn marks walked away

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I was walking further down the hall when I saw Miss Cha fall down on the ground while the guy with burn marks walked away.

"Miss Cha! Are you okay?!" I kneeled beside her while she cried into her hands.

"Did he do something to you?" She shook her head whipping the tears from her cheeks.

"No, no. I asked if he could take me outside." A frown came to my face.

Outside why would she want to go outside?

"It's too dangerous out there. You will get yourself killed." She shook her head standing up.

"I just want to hold her in my arms for the last time." It was the last thing she muttered before walking away from me.


"Her daughter died." I turned my head and saw Yi-kyung standing there.

I had only spoken to her a few times. She's a little distant, but a nice person when you know her. I have spoken more to her fiance than her.

"Min-ju? When?" She walked closer before offering a hand to help me stand up.

"She wasn't here when the building was locked down, but somehow the next day she ended up outside. Before anyone could reach her a monster killed her in front of everybody." Poor Miss Cha.

I guess she wants to go outside to the body of her daughter.

"I don't blame her for reacting like that," I whisper looking at where she just walked off to.

"I know, but killing herself won't help either." I nodded my head looking back at her.

"Where's Sang-won? Is he still in your apartment?"

A pained look washed over her face.

"No, he wasn't inside when the gates closed. I had tried to call him, but the phones aren't working."

I can only imagine how worried she must be. I wish I could help her with this, but we can't go outside to look for him.

"Knowing Sang-won he will probably be fine. He's smart and knows how to take care of himself."

She nodded her head agreeing with me, but I could see the worry in her eyes.

"Have you seen Eun-hyuk? I need to talk to him." I let out a sigh pointing behind me.

"He was in the backroom talking to the infected just a second ago, he's probably still there." She gave a quick thanks before walking away leaving me alone.

I began to walk to the main hall trying to find something to entertain myself. To my surprise, I saw the guy with the burn scars standing there. Seung-wan was guarding the door looking uncomfortable at the man.

"Move." The man spoke in a low voice.

"You do know what's out there, right?" I spoke moving towards the two men.

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