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The taste of metal was the first thing I noticed when I woke up

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The taste of metal was the first thing I noticed when I woke up.

Slowly I opened my eyes and saw a dark ceiling above me. Where the hell am I? I try to remember how I got here and that's when I remember what had happened.

"Shit!" I gasp sitting up.

Big mistake.

My arms when to my waist holding it in pain.

"Careful." I looked to my side and saw Ji-su sitting there.

That's when I could take a better look at where I was. I was in the backroom or in other words the jail where they kept Hyun-su.

Where they kept the infected.

I wanted to stand up, but Ji-su gently laid a hand on my arm guiding me back down.

"You're not fully healed yet." I shook my head.

"I'm fine," I mutter out fighting the urge to cry out in pain every time I move.

"That monster did an awful number on you." I shrug my shoulders leaning against the pillar behind me.

"I guess."

I'm surprised she wasn't asking about me being infected.

"You need to heal more before you can go walking around." I let out a scoft looking down at my hands.

"I doubt that they would let me out of here."

They didn't have a problem locking Hyun-su up in here, so I don't see why they wouldn't lock me up in here.

"Mi-na you saved a lot of people. You're not locked up here. It was just that this is the most quiet place we could place you to rest. When you're better you are free to go. The door isn't even locked right now." I looked at the door before looking back at her.

This was the first time I had a chance to take a really good look at her. She seemed more tired than I remember she looked like.

She always seemed to have her emotions under control no matter what. It was hard for me to trust people when I moved here, but I knew I could trust her after I got to know Ji-su.

That's one of the reasons I felt awful for lying to her about me being infected.

"Ji-su, I'm sorry for not telling you that I was infected."

She gave me a warm smile shaking her head.

"That's alright. Eun-hyuk told me that he forbid you to tell anyone, but I need to be honest with you. I already knew."

A frown came to my face.

"What? How?"

She let out a chuckle.

"You have been fainting and getting a bloody nose a week before things went bad. It wasn't hard to figure out."

Right, she knew about those things.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was waiting for you to come to me. I didn't want to push you to tell me things. I wanted you to tell me on your own." I bite the inside of my cheek slowly moving my head.

"I wanted to, but like you said Eun-hyuk. And to be honest I had no idea in the beginning. I only figured things out after we got downstairs." I explained hoping she would believe me that she would be one of the first people I would have told.

"It's okay, I understand."

I let out a sigh of relief, but then it hit me.


He knows now that I'm infected too.

This whole time he was locked up here I was free to walk around. He had to do all the dirty work while I could sit back and relax.

I need to find him.

Again I began to stand up, this time by leaning against the pillar.

"Mi-na you can't move too much!" Ji-su protest trying to hold me in place.

I shook my head holding onto her.

"I need to find Hyun-su. He must be angry! I need to find him and tell him I'm sorry or try to explain everything!" I took a step forward, but Ji-su held me in place.

"Mi-na calm down. You won't be able to tell him anything if you pass out again." I stop struggling in her arms taking a deep breath.

"It's late, most people are already asleep, maybe he's already asleep as well. Why don't you rest some more and when you wake up tomorrow I'll either bring you to him or find him myself and bring him here."

I wanted to protest, but I honestly had zero energy to do so I nodded my head letting her take me back to the makeshift bed of blankets.

"Now take some rest. Your body is still healing." She brought the blanket up to my chin before putting a hand on my forehead.

I have seen a lot of fathers or mothers do this to their children on TV, but I have never experienced it myself. It honestly felt great to be cared about.

I just realized that it wasn't the first thing Ji-su had done that could be seen as a caring parent or big sister thing.

In the last couple of months, she has been taking care of me like I was her sister.

"Thank you Ji-su."

"Don't worry about it." I shook my head.

"Not just for this, but for everything you have done for me since I got here. I should have said it earlier, but I'm really grateful for everything you have done for me." She gave me a warm smile again shaking her head.

"You're the one who helped me first remember? You offered me your home even when you didn't know me well. Also, you have helped me in other ways than giving me a roof above my head."


Her boyfriend.

She has told me about him in the past. Not all at once, but little by little she had told me about him and what had happened.

"I wish I could have helped you sooner."

This time it was my turn to smile at her.

"How could you? I wasn't even here yet let alone in this part of the world. We both have had a terrible past, but I'm happy that we met when we did."

She let out a little laugh nodding her head.

Man or a Monster (Sweet home fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now