IMPORTANT: If you're a young writer and someone tells you, "them stories that begin with "Hi my name is (name) and I'm a brunette girl" blah blah blah like no delete your story and your account"
PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! You have to start somewhere and if that is how you can, then do it. Eventually, you'll get constructive criticism, you'll see your own mistakes and you'll correct them. But until then, continue writing! No one is perfect. I mean if writing makes you happy, then don't let someone tell you that you need to quit before you really even get started.
Chapter 9 – White Powder (Faith POV)
My stomach was spinning uncontrollably, my hands shaking, dressed and ready, all my make up assignments in my bag, my Shake To Go was in my bag, I had already drunk one Vanilla so that would tide me over until Lunch I thought hopefully. We needed to leave around seven fifteen, so when seven rolled around, I limped my way downstairs, dressed. Ready to go even though every muscle in my body seemed to hurt and ache as I went down.
Entering the kitchen the group of kids all looked up, and I noted that Talia was still in her sleep clothes. Under her eyes, dark, blackened from the stress of the burn, lack of sleep, pain or maybe all of those like me. "You're going to school?" she asked surprised.
Kalenah shook her head while I just nodded, "You can't go to school Faith, I mean you'll fall asleep during classes, those pain meds are strong, the germs, you need at least another week before you can attempt to go back to school." I frowned, they were already keeping me home, away from people... the hand holding the crutches, flexed, tightened and I cursed my injured foot because the panic that was threatening to weigh down on me, make me run, yet I would never get far.
"It'll be fun we can do assignments together, work on music, and study together if you-"
"Sleep?" Kalenah offered with a smirk.
"You two beauties look like raccoons," she said with a smile and the others laughed. Standing from the seat at the top of the table, opposite from Ansel, Samson, stood and went into the pantry bringing back a chair, "You can sit," he pointed going back to his meal. Glancing around the room, Brennan, Harleigh and Thaddeus all looked at him with large eyes, before returning to their meals.
When I sat stiffly, moving my backpack to the ground I waited, I mean it was all a trap, so there had to be something that had to happen. "Did you think of the idea I told you?" Samson asked his mouth full of food. Before I could keep my face straight, it was wrinkled up in distaste.
"Sorry," he swallowed, "I just needed to put something down for what we've worked on, and it doesn't have to be much," sighing I bent over and picked out the folder I had placed all my make up assignments in and found the one he was speaking of.
Handing it over, I shut the folder, "You finished all the work from this class?" he asked in a breathless tone. Nodding quickly I looked away while he inspected my ideas. "I don't see my idea... is it safe to say you didn't like it?" he said standing and coming back with pen and paper, placing them in the empty front of me.
Yes, it's safe to say since you said it. It wasn't a good idea. I pushed the pad towards him. Waiting for the narrowed eyes and angry lashing that would come but he only choked on his drink and coughed up a storm while we all watched. "You should eat slowly Sammie," Samantha noted before going back to her plate while Simon, patted Samson's back.

Loving Ashlynn (#Wattys2016)
Werewolf"Her name isn't Sophie, I lied, her name is Fatima Safiya Ashlynn - I thought she would die where I left her."