Chapter 43 –Show Down (Ansel Conrad POV) Pt.3
After placing Andy in one of the private guestrooms in the basement my father, Kalenah, mother and I handle Danny and Cynthia. "You did the right thing son," my father says in a low voice as I close the iron door, locking Danny inside the windowless hidden dungeon.
Kalenah closing Cynthia in the cell next to him, after my mother lines her cell with poisonous hemlock to prevent Cynthia from doing any magic herself should the hidden iron of our dungeon not be enough. Her right leg and hand cuffed to the wall. Sighing, I don't bother asking or even seeking comfort from my father.
I knew what I was doing before I had even injected the sedatives into Danny. Hell, I left the house with an extra one in my coat pocket, planning to the extreme.
Still it was not that I needed reassurance from anyone. The right thing isn't always the easy decision or action made. I guess that also goes for Brennan in a way, not that I wanted to make excuses for him.
It would have been easier to push aside his gut feeling. To keep quiet instead of turning to Kalenah- I stop before I even finish that thought. Brennan was goaded by Thaddeus to reveal Devin's intrusion to the family servers and computers.
Worse even was the fact that instead of telling the truth right away, he initially covered for Devin when she listened in on the conversation he had with Samson.
One bad decision after another.
I didn't expect my children to be perfect. I would never dare put that type of pressure on them, but I did want them to make wise decisions.
I have to believe that Brennan knew what he was doing was wrong.
Leaving a bottle of water and crackers in each cell, my father and mother follow Kalenah and I out. "Would you guys like to have tea? Before you return to the guesthouse?" Kalenah asks my parents graciously.
"That would be lovely," my mom responds, going to my Kalenah's side.
When we're outside, we turn around the back, heading into the kitchen. "You all go on up, I'll bring everything to your office Ansel," Kalenah murmurs, busying herself. Despite shooing my mother, she remains with Kalenah while dad and I climb the stairs.
"While waiting for your brother to arrive," Dad begins the minute we are behind closed doors. "Your mother told me that the girl with Leslie, Naomi, was asking a lot of questions about Faith," his brows furrowing.
Sitting on the longer of two sofas in my office, I rest back, while dad walks to my drink bar, fixing his self a drink. When he returns, he places a glass before me.
"Did mom give you details?" I ask leaning forward.
Taking a sip, he swallows, exhaling as he too leans forward.
"No, she kept it short."
I nod. Faith was an enigma. I cannot fault someone for his or her curiosity. Yet, this early in with the lack of knowledge surrounding Faith, we had to be cautious.
Just as I reach for my glass, Kalenah and mom quietly enter the room, mom closing the door behind them. My father and I stand, sitting when they do, fixing our tea.
"What are you going to do about your brother?" my mother asks sipping her black tea, blowing it a time or two.
What was I going to do with Danny? That was the million-dollar question.

Loving Ashlynn (#Wattys2016)
Werewolf"Her name isn't Sophie, I lied, her name is Fatima Safiya Ashlynn - I thought she would die where I left her."