A/n: Not Thoroughly Edited.
Chapter 4 – Hiding in Plain Sight (Unknown POV) Pt. 2
The sprinkler services cut off, thirty minutes was more than enough and so starting the fire in the dorm room next to Talia's I left the building. With everything planted I took my chance when I saw it, her medication switched out, the house under my control, I sat in my car waiting. The Conrads were responsible for the death of my brother; now I would take someone they treasured, make them watch helplessly as she dies.
Alarms sounding, a woman from the next dorm house comes over, frantic, the fire just getting started but she wouldn't run inside, but near by I listened and when more came, when other students and bystanders came, everything planted, I left my car and joined the crowd. Moving my self near the Conrads as they came closer, as the group responsible for my brother's death joked and chatted. The red blazing fire truck, cutting them off, it was too late, but only I knew that.
The firemen zoning off, opening and locking – "A girl she ran into the building, she said that there was someone inside, she was screaming the name Talia," the woman that called them screamed, her face white, "I tried to stop her – but she ran inside," the dorm, now partially engulfed but they couldn't enter, I looked away, I couldn't smile. I just had to blend in, watch.
Police officers arrive and are holding back the Conrads, who fight desperately to enter the burning building; I look away, as pleased as I am disappointed. "That's our sister!" Kalenah and Ansel – the parents it would please me if one more of their precious children would enter my trap and their well deserved demise. The smoke blackened the skies above us, and over the shouting cries of the Conrad, one from inside the house broke louder. My face distressed, it wouldn't be from Talia, she was out cold, and the tranquilizers given would insure that. The loud piercing shriek, the end of life close coming, bloodcurdling and to the right firemen doubled their speed, to my left "Move!"
One that wasn't the Conrads wasn't meant to perish, an innocent, she entered the building of her own choice; she should have remained a pedestrian. She was a new factor, it was a shame that she was involved but she made that decision on her own.
I only wanted an eye for an eye.
Talia for Brian.
"Call mom and dad," one of the Conrad's cried, and with tears on their face, shaking, another moved, "Help! Help us!" someone screamed from inside, and that pulled my attention away from watching the downfall of the Conrads.
"She's in the front, spray hard!" I watched as the hose held by three men, put out the fire on the porch preventing entry by their men, and as the removed the spray, the girl, her hair wet, her body drowned in her clothing, she pulls, pulls, pulls the one I wanted to perish in her arms. The men with their masks on remove them quickly, but the girl, tumbles down, Talia Conrad on top of her, "Talia! She's our sister!"
Thaddeus pushes at the officer holding him back, "Let us by – she's our sister! She's on the ground! Move!" The words cried, shouted, and shrieked by Samson, from the corner of my eyes, my heart sinking as paramedics rushed forward, checking on the girl that tumbled down the stairs. "Mom – mom no – no she pulled her out, she fell – she fell – she fell," the words repeated but my eyes focused on Talia. Smoke inhalation. The fire didn't kill her, but that... there was enough time where that could have done it for me.
My heart dropping, I witness them pulling the shirt from her face and instead of stopping, giving up, declaring her dead, they work on her with a rush, mask on her face, another is placing bandages on her scorched leg, and with that she's moved into the ambulance. The girl – the unknown factor – the one that ruined my plan, that doesn't know the sins of the Conrads, had she I know she would have left Talia to die, is lifted into another ambulance while I stumble away, keeping my face as calm as possible while inside rage flared.

Loving Ashlynn (#Wattys2016)
Werewolf"Her name isn't Sophie, I lied, her name is Fatima Safiya Ashlynn - I thought she would die where I left her."