Many of you sent messages saying you couldn't see it while many of you can... I'm not sure what's going on but here it is again. New update coming right up BTW.
So... hey all. Hopefully, everyone is safe because there are some devasting things going on in the world. Out in NY and NJ, and all the storms and what not...
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LOL!! Seriously LOL right now - still! This was inspirational because I was dead tired and saw this and it just put a smile on my face. Anyways, this chapter is brought to you because of Nikki and her excellent reminder that I don't have time for television :)
*Edited* I thought this chapter updated like last night but apparently... nope. So here it is. Enjoy :)
Chapter 56 – Truth (Ansel Conrad POV) Pt. 5
"How do we know that others from the Rosario family are trustworthy?" a den member asked just after Javier and Brennan dashed out of the room, the door closing with a resounding click. Thankful Angela thought to give them instructions on their new living arrangement I stare back at the crowd before me.
"Those that have been traveling with me – we've had time to make this place welcoming for everyone here right now. I have ensured that those with us now are trustworthy. If my word is not enough, then you are free to leave. But I would like to let all of you know just what has happened to those that seek help from the Elders." A few murmurs sound but for the most part silence is the greatest response.
I was determined to make this work not just for myself but for my children and all of those that were here now. After our traveling I had learned one thing, we could no longer hide, we had to make a name for ourselves. By trying to keep our selves from the shifter world all we had done was alienate ourselves and ended up with a lack of information.
"Javier trusted adults around him to catch the true nature of his sister. He has never once shown or been a problem for this den, and when leaving, he immediately without contacting his family followed this den. Devin, she has-"
"She and Brennan hacked the servers!"
"And I've been chosen along side Antone to decide their punishment," Liam says turning to face the crowd. I nod in agreement. I could not be the end all and Liam, when we were deciding who would be following Nick, or me he tried his best to show that following my lead would be the best.
Arriving here, keeping equality between the den members, I asked Liam to take on more of a leadership and assisting role.
He too was a father, raising six children with his wife – Tammy. Added to that, one of those lives lost from Devin and Brennan hacking had been someone close to Liam. After explaining the situation to him, I furthered the discussion, wanting to know from him why he trusted me over Nick.