two readers posted this on my facebook, and I wanted to share it here:
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Anyways, enjoy the update :)
Chapter 52 – Like Glass (Devin Rosario POV) Pt.2
"I cannot believe that Javier left and didn't even warn us," Taylor says fuming as we leave Oregon, crossing into Nevada. Keeping one eye on the road I turn to face her with a bit of doubtfulness in my eyes.
"Really?" Because I could. I mean he was devoted to Talia. He might love Taylor and I, but Javier never once pushed us or really inquired about our doings with Samson and Brennan. Sure he wanted to know we were happy, but that's as far as he delved into our private relationships.
He also never encouraged Samson and Taylor to become a couple, only focusing on his own relationship with Talia which was why I sort of paid more attention. No one made me reassure Taylor, but it just seemed as though Samson and her were made for one another.
I had stopped boosting that goal, but Samson leaving his car for us seemed like such a whiplash moment. He had said that he wanted nothing to do with Taylor, but he left his car for her, us to get out of Bend safely?
It was such a lead Taylor on move in my eyes but maybe Taylor and I weren't reading too much into Samson's feelings.
He had them.
He might not be ready for a relationship with Taylor, heck he might just want to be her friend.
"Are you..." I bite my lip as Taylor tinkered around on my laptop. "Am I what?"
Sighing, I move around in my seat, just stiff. "We cannot be like we were before in Bend. I – I cannot be the way I was Taylor," I said softly, voice shaking but after three plus hours of driving, all I had was my thoughts and the occasional conversation with Taylor.
"I really love Brennan, and if Samson does not want a relationship with you Taylor, we cannot hound him like before. If he just wants to be your friend, is that going – will that be enough?" I realize as the car toots, alerting us that we needed to find a gas station immediately that this was a conversation that we should have had way back in Bend.
"He left the car so we'd get out safely. Brennan knows you know where the next locations are going to be. I mean you have them all here," she waves to my laptop screen.
I nod, reading the sign on the side of the road as I pass it.
Three images underneath the bold white words.
"Okay but what if he did leave the car not for you as a romantic gesture? But saying... she's my friend, I don't want her to get trapped in Bend?"