Q&A up front from one of the many AWESOME READERs: I absolutely love the line about his kind not having predestined soul mates. I can't wait to see what you come up with for them. Thank you for this update :) Samson is not an intentionally cruel guy. He goes out of his way to not be like that, but once made to confront the situation he is honest, without being mean. of course, he is not perfect and has his moment's but don't we all. Fatima reminds me of Kieran, in the fact they grew up with brain washing. Now they are having to over come that. He has bumblebee, she has Samson. Things aren't romantic but they care for each other, they have a trust there for each other that helps so very much. But not dependent fully on that person. love it :)
Okay, so what really makes me cringe sometimes are reading stories where two people who are in no position to be in a relationship, start a relationship. I mean become so dependent on each other that you just know one or both of them is going to get hurt. Badly.
There are many similarities between this book and the others, all clues I've been giving without telling you, that way you guys draw your own ideas. I know some of you might hate that, and would rather I just spelled it all out but, eh... this was seems more fun for you and me.
Samson isn't a cruel guy, he isn't the bad boy that ignores women or disses them in front of others, and well I know that seems boring but I guess I just didn't want to write about some guy slut shaming some girl. I think there are enough of those types of books so I'm trying something a bit different.
If you're reading this but haven't read my other stuff, you'll still be understanding this story.
However for those of you that are reading, Samson is no Gabriel lol. He was raised by two loving parents, yes his twin brother died, but Ansel and Kalenah are kind, compassionate and stable. There are no secrets, they don't lie to their children for their own selfish needs and coverups.
Anyways, lots of you said that you don't use Facebook so if I can put that stuff on twitter, and I already do.
my twitter name is newxseason
that's all for now, onto the reading...
A/N: Not Thoroughly Edited.
Chapter 20 – Starting Something New (Faith POV)Pt. 2
"We can go now, we have to run sweetheart-"
"No – no – no I – I cwan't go owutside!"
"They said we cawn't go outside – it's dwangerous – no – no!"
"I won't be wable to bwreathe – no – no – no!"
"I can't go outside – they said we can't go – no pwlease – no pwlease – help me – no!"
My dream playing on my mind and my heart and I couldn't and didn't know how to trust myself. I was older, than the other times, however, the problem was that Dmitri came in and when he tried to take me from the room, the gray rough concrete walled room I went ballistic.
"Who told you that? It is safe for you outside sweetheart..." He told me and I shook my head in the dream, frantic that he was going to take me outside. "They want me – can't fwind me – I safe inside, we can't – I can't go outside-" Dmitri looked at me strangely.

Loving Ashlynn (#Wattys2016)
Werewolf"Her name isn't Sophie, I lied, her name is Fatima Safiya Ashlynn - I thought she would die where I left her."