Chapter 12 - Enigma (Samson Conrad POV) Pt.1

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A/N:NOT EDITED. So I have a request... if something I write confuses you, can you tell me what confuses you? When you say you're confused, but give no indication of what is troubling you I don't know what is. So you kind of have me running around in circles... Especially when I don't see what exactly could be confusing you... if it is that you're not seeing the whole picture then that's different (since you're reading updates and not a finished work) than not understanding what's going on.

So help me, help you :) [so lame lol]

A/N: Not Thoroughly Edited.

Chapter 12 – Enigma (Samson Conrad POV) Pt. 1

I've brought the sick bucket upstairs for mom, where she does not spare me a second glance after I've set it down, all her attention is on Fatima. Not touching the girl, but whispering softly as she begins cleaning the area, ordering dad to go wait for Uncle Trevor. Feeling completely useless, I follow my father silent, taking in everything from his straight back to the hard look in his eyes.

The tension from Fatima's room carries follows my father as he passes my siblings silently, ordering them to stay away from the halls and to look over Simon and Amy. Ignoring when Brennan asks what's wrong, he walks straight to the front room, while I linger back. When the door closes and it's just my siblings and me in the kitchen, I swallow thickly, the image of Fatima on the floor in her own vomit, the blood... Her voice was unusable but surely, before she ended up in such a state she could have called out to someone?

Right? I mean... at the first sign of a temperature, before our shifter abilities kicked in, we'd call for mom, moaning and milking even the slightest fever to our advantage. How did she end up on the ground, down and unconscious without even so much as making a sound to alert others in the house of her illness? 

Why suffer in silence?

Why – how – what? I think baffled.

It was a full house. There was no reason for her to be up there in misery. Had we maybe not done a good job at inviting her to join us? Was it maybe me? Had I ruined her finding a place in the house?

When it was the dorms, Thaddeus and Brennan both had returned with stories of the 'amazing meal that the new girl Faith made...'

A meal for the family that I had not shown up for. Then the next day in my own prison I treated her cruelly; yet – thankfully – that didn't affect the way she treated Talia, running into the burning building for her.

"What's wrong?" Brennan asks in a whisper, his eyes shifting from the direction dad went to the stairs he ordered them to keep clear of. I just shake my head still processing what I saw myself, "I – Fatima is up there passed out, and she hit her head, and there's blood on the – the bathroom floor," I point up still frozen and processing.

"Wait! What?" Thaddeus jumped to his feet, coming over to me, plate in front of him forgotten, "Bleeding? Blood? Why didn't she call for us? We've been home for about two or three hours..." he says slowly just as stunned as I am. It really made little sense. How had no one heard her? We would have. So that only meant that Fatima had not called for anyone.

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