okay so this has spoilers if you haven't read the rest of this series - again you don't have too because I'm sure those that haven't you aren't totally lost lol. This spoils a part of Unconditional (BOOK#2).
Many have sent private messages asking about Sonya and a few have said she is one of the Betray No Elder people:
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So as you guys can see each letter in the name has a corresponding letter. They match up PERFECTLY. There will be no left over letters. Like for example: Sonya. There is the letter 'S' left over.
more examples from Unconditional Excerpt:
Chapter 85 – Gabriel POV
When I wasn't thinking about Chelsea or Ava, or our Pack, Victors' issues I was focused on these people that Robert Delaney was associating himself with at one point or another... The people we had him in certain pictures with:
Tylane Breedor
Markus MonToya
Andrea Mayer
Donovan Callen
Brandy Leetore
Gus Monroe
Barton Spinks
Jerrold Hirsch
Hans Streeter
Graham Lamar
Demetius Boyce
Tobie Hanlon
Darnel Byteroe
Mel Babin
Breton Rylarde
Eveline Epps
DeAndra McIntire
Taner Drobeley
Domenic Chu
Barton Adamson
Ashby Jeffers
Larney Berdote
I gazed at the list as I thought over the names... trying to place them, thinking over the riddle Essie had answered me with as well as Samuel.
The same copy of the file I had given both Logan and Wolf in my office, I had my system, Kai, trying to get more information but the only thing we were coming up with were some cookie cutter profiles, and Remy was in no state to be searching.
What we – what I really wanted was to check these facts out myself, but Logan had volunteered to check out whatever Wolf and I found.
Kai – my computer system – couldn't find any reason why these paths would've crossed or should've. Which was frustrating to fucking end, and I felt like there was something I was missing, a puzzle piece I was not seeing correctly. I put the file away, locking up my office and heading outside to meet a waiting Victor.
up there in that list are names that if you move the letters around you end up with Betray No Elder.
hopefully I've clarified it up for those that do not understand :) bye.