Then. On the surface anything could appear pretty, plain, easy, hard, rough, shiny or old. But that was just the outward presence.
People and computers were a lot a like.
In my eyes at least.
Most people didn't listen to the small voice inside them and for a number of various reasons. After ending the call with my older brother – Ansel – I looked at my wife and our two children.
It took a while before I listened to the small voice inside myself.
There was this fear of disappointing those I loved. The depression with the outer belief that who I was meant I wouldn't have the things my siblings had. Small minded thinking that brought me to the darkest place in my life.
There is no worse feeling that looking into the mirror and hating the person looking back at you.
No longer on that path, I shake my head and focus on my keyboard and laptop screen. I had been helping Ansel since I was nearly twenty; the fifth person we helped was my own Courtney.
The most beautiful person I had met, that aided me when I needed that the most.
Shaking my head, I swallow thickly my fingers flying over the keyboard.
There wasn't a direct threat to the family. Yet.
But just like many humans that planned for the unseen future, our kind did so on a regular basis. We had strategies and protocols in place for events that had less chance of happening than a meteor falling and hitting one of our homes.
Homes built on purchased land that would serve as hideaways should they be needed. Bank accounts set up – around the world – that did not trace back to us, or our families and friends.
Between Ansel and Kalenah, that had made quite the mini empire for our werecats species. Done more than any of the Elders ever had. Protected the women that could somehow provide genetically dominant werecats. Rescued trafficked werecat women... gaining the trust of so many by giving that trust back in return.
"Damn – I mean darn," Courtney calls from the next room, "you're hitting those keys like they stole the last piece of cheesecake-"
"Ohhh, mama can we have cheesecake?" Shelly, our daughter asks Courtney. Hiding behind my screen, a smile grows on my face as I chuckle. "I don't know Shelly-Belly, we need to ask mommy," the smile on my face drops as does the snickering.
"Can we mommy? Can we have cheesecake?" Courtney asks, forcing me to look up at them on the sofa. I lived with three children.
And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Not even for the 'normal' society approved family.
My babies were technically my niece and nephew, but in their hearts and mine, I was mommy, Courtney was mama and my brother who made all this possible was Uncle Trevor.
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Taking heavily after Trevor, two pairs of my own eyes reflect back to me, along with Courtney's unique green and gold.
"Cheesecake – yeah that is okay," I finally answered, my gaze on Courtney. Tyler and Shelly jump form their places on the sofa, hurrying over to the kitchen, while Courtney saunters behind them. Just before she's out of sight behind the partition, she sticks out her tongue at me.
Getting the last laugh.
Court helps the children, goofing off in the kitchen until she brings me a plate with a slice of cheesecake with strawberry topping dripping along the sides. "How is it coming?" she asks in a near whisper.
Pushing the laptop away, I pull the plate in front of me, "Do you think Ansel's right? That Devin may be behind the failed attempts?"
I can only shrug at first, feeding myself a piece of smooth, sweet and tangy cheesecake. With proof of Devin's true involvement, I didn't want to over speak, but at the same time Ansel has been aiding others in this format for years. It's only just recently that there has been a problem with his methods.
Devin might not be directly involved but I knew that she was probably going to be the reason others were able to get into the networks. Especially when I realize that if I had yet to be alerted of the intrusion, that Brennan himself had somehow helped Devin cover up.
With the way that I had set up the servers and networks for Ansel, if Devin had failed in her infiltration, I hadn't been notified. Which meant Brennan had to help her get away with it until finally she was able to figure out the path without tripping any alarms.
I knew that. However I doubt that Ansel understood or had even come to that conclusion just yet. Without using the passkey, there is no way Devin hacked her way in on her first attempt without Brennan's key involvement.
After carving out the right path, without triggering alerts, only then would she not need Brennan to cover her attempts.
I work all through the night making sure of every detail, the traps needed to double back to whoever was possibly viewing data on Ansel's servers.
Once I copy the old system, near dawn, I begin working on the new server. Courtney prepares our kids for school while I add the final touches, ordering equipment needed at the end.
With the Elders only causing strife for all intents purposes, Ansel and Kalenah were our leaders. If by some chance Devin were putting us in danger, what would Ansel do?
Devin hadn't just betrayed Ansel, but everyone that placed their lives in his hands. Would he inform all the people she placed in harms way? Brennan as well?
Leaving Sisters, I make the nearly thirty minute drive to Bend; and set up Ansel's new system within hours. While working, Ansel fills me in on everything that Brennan had informed him last night. Yet, Ansel never mentions the fact that if Devin got into the system that Brennan played a bigger role than just not telling Ansel and Kalenah.
There was no leaving Ansel's home. Terrified I settled my children in the room, my computer on my lap in the low light. Resting back, I monitor the network in the house, not seeing the words around me, just replaying the explosion outside and the worry in Samson's eyes when Faith was airlifted away.
I almost missed it.
Just nearly.
There was no reason for Faith's device to register. She wasn't in her room. Ansel had given strict orders that everyone leave her space be. So why was her name now popping up on the list of available devices?
Lifting my laptop from my thighs, standing, I slowly place it on the chair I was sitting on. Exiting the room with Courtney and the kids, I sprint up to the third floor. My right palm flat on the door when I roughly push it open.
Startled, Taylor straightens upright, Faith's open laptop in front of her.