So if you haven't decoded the message, and have no time to... it's been decoded on facebook and in the last chapter in the INLINE COMMENTS. Check it out.
Chapter 57 – UNSTEADY (Samson Conrad POV) Pt. 2
"Sweetheart, maybe you can find solace in knowing the truth," my grandmother Bess – mom's mom – said once. I overheard the conversation not meant for me but it was maddening all the same.
How on earth could she say something like that to my mom? We had just lost Silas. There was nothing that could take that sting away! I almost rather the empty placating comments.
Emotional, I iced out grandma Bess like it was no one's business, which only lasted a day before mom pulled me aside and sat me down to talk.
"Did you know that my parents at one point had four children?" mom said nonchalantly throwing off my pout and anger. "Where...?" I couldn't even form the question, confusion flipping my normally attentive and broad vocabulary off the rails.
"I didn't know at first either. She was born between Marisela and I, but when I was two she was taken. Grandma and grandpa did not tell me about her – Delilah – until I was nearly thirteen going on fourteen. On her birthday – though I didn't know that's what it was – we'd have a big dinner. At the time, they said it was to celebrate our den surviving another year in tact, which it was also but the same day was also her birthday."
"So what happened?"
Mom sighed. "They – our kind – it's painful when we lose someone and when they are taken from us. I'm not saying that our pain is worse than a normal human, loss it loss Samson," she clarified. "But my parents could live for a thousand years and never know what happened to Delilah. They – we – couldn't remain in one place on the chance that she could return or be returned. They cannot search for her the way humans would, alert the world. Get a billion eyes on the look out for their lost child. Even now, should that happen with one of you all dad and I could do is send out work to packs, dens and covens with hopes that by chance they've laid their eyes on the child missing."
"Your grandmother was not trying to make me get over Silas' death Samson. She was letting me know that though I'm in pain, I should also take into account that I know one hundred percent that Silas is gone. There will never be a tiny voice in my mind that my child is out there." Though it was meant to be comforting at the time it wasn't. I wanted that hope still. I wanted to run into someone and see him from the back and accidently mistake him for Silas.
There is no coming back from gone.
"Though grandma does not do it often Samson there are times when we go out even just to Portland and she will see someone around Delilah's age and I can practically see her doing a mental check list of this person's features, or height, skin tone, eye color, everything looking for her. It is never her, and each time there is a quick frown on her face before she puts it away."
A long talk with mom helped me then in one way, I held no grudge against grandma, however, it raised plenty of questions for me.
How did Silas die? I knew the plane crashed but was he dead before it hit the ground? Did he suffer? I always leaned towards no for the most unrealistic reason.
He and I were identical twins. I always seemed to know when something was up, when he was in danger, in that moment I did not. For a while I questioned how painful his death must have been. Our bodies could heal, not instantly, but fast enough that while he burned parts of him were healing at the same time.
Loving Ashlynn (#Wattys2016)
Werewolf"Her name isn't Sophie, I lied, her name is Fatima Safiya Ashlynn - I thought she would die where I left her."