Chapter 3

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"Kim" I heard my name while I was still sleeping

"KIM! WAKE UP"! I knew it was my mom calling my name

"I am awake!" I called out still very sleepy and as I shot my eyes open to see a very cranky mom standing In front of me.

"Well good morning to you too mother!" I sarcastically and woke up from my sleep.

"I have been here for more than 10 minutes" she said to me blankly.

I let out a giggle and she stared at me.Mom is never really mad at me she can't be,I mean I am me. Mom rolled her eyes as I stood up and smiled at her.

"Anyway.Priscilla called and said she be coming here at 12pm" she said walking out the door.

It was 10am I had time to shower,and so I went to the bathroom and took a warm shower.

I was done up and I wore a 'V' necked mid thigh tight red and blue dress with red toms.


"Kim" I heard someone calling me down stairs.

I ran down the stairs and I saw Priscilla with a big smile on her face.

I gave a a big hug like I haven't seen for a while.

We were outside waiting for Tom to come pick us up when.

"Hey Kim" I look at my side I knew only one person with a British accent I smiled and looked at Harry.

"Hey Curly!"I teased. He smiled.

"Whatever princess. Where are you guys going?" He asked.

"We are um....going to the ..uh...mall" Priscilla said stammering. Oh Priscilla does that with every hot boy.HOLD ON ! Did I just call Harry hot? Well it's true.

"Oh..." Was all he said. I couldn't help at laugh at priscii.

Priscilla walked away to Tom's car and me and Harry were left in awkward silence.

"Where is Cara?" I asked.She was so cute.

"My aunts place!" He says with a genuine smile but a sad look in his eyes knowing he probably misses her.They seem really close.

I watched as Tom argued with Priscilla over something.When I turned back to Harry,he looked so deep in thought staring at the sky.

"So don't you wonder how you got to you room last night?" He said with an evil smirk.

" I mean-" I couldn't talk as I felt my face turn into a tomato.

He chuckled and said "I carried you there.You wouldn't wake up and I dint want to leave you there 'cause you looked cold" I heard him talk as I smiled my face still red as a tomato."oh...ha! Thank you" he let out a sigh.

"Kim c'mon lets go" I sighed again and gave my best 'see you later' smile as I walked away.

"Coming! Sheesh" I ran to Tom's car and sat in the back seat as Priscilla and Tom sat at the front looking at each other with so much hate.I leaned back on the seat and took out my phone and texted Jadey who was probably siting and watching her favourite movie even though she has a billion times.


Me: Hey jade! (:

Jadey: heeeey! What's up

Me:nothing just heading to the mall with Priscilla! You?

Jadey: awesome! I hate malls..I am watching a movie.

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