chapter 36

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"Wake up!" Trisha said

"Urg, why?" I hummed falling back asleep

"Morning run baby!" she smiled, she was wearing jogging shorts running shoes and a hoodie.

"Please no." I begged. 

"Hun, the doctor says you need exercise. "

"Tomorrow? or the day after that or the day after that? Please let me sleep. "


She dragged me  out of bed and watched me get ready I brushed my teeth and put on jogging tights and a shirt with running shoes.

Apparently mom knew about this she had made me a fruit salad breakfast.

"Gosh guys are you trying to tell me im fat ?"

"No but your not very athletic hun you need the exercise because your pregnant. " Mom said shrugging.

"Yup!" Trisha agreed.

"Great." I ate my fruit salad and finished up.

"C'mon lets go!"

I sighed and followed trisha outside and we started to jog.

"You can do this. " she chuckled

"Fuck off." I said my hormones kicking in.

She laughed shaking her head.

"When is the last time you spoke to harry?" Trisha asked

"Umm..about a week ago" 


"He had exams this whole week I didn't want to disturb. "

"Kim get over this "disturbing him thing"  if someone really loves you they will always have time for you and he said that anytime you want to talk you should call him."

I took a sip of my water and sighed still jogging, "I know..."

"Yeah babes!" she said smiling.

we ran about 6 blockes and I couldn't do it anymore , I was heavy breathing and all that. for a second I thought I ran a marathon.

I layed on my bed tired. " never again Trisha."

"Never say neverrrrrrrrr" she sang in justin biebers voice.

"O God" I laughed.

"I'm going to go shower now !" I said she nodded and went into her room since now the guest room is her room.

I went in the shower and took a warm shower letting all the thoughts fade away.

I came out of the shower.

I was wearing only my underwear and bra I looked at my long mirror I noticed, a little bump on my stomach  , I wrapped my hard around it and smiled.

"I love you!" I said to my little baby.

I wore a red summer dress and layed down on my bed.

I took out my phone and decided to call Harry.

" Hello." his sexy voice said on the other line.

"guess who." I said.

"KIM!" he scared me a bit.  "LOVE I MISSED YOU SO FUCKIN MUCH!"

I smiled. " I missed you more baby boy!" 

"Im sorry I didn't call you for two weeks I was going to call you tommorow But I was so busy this past two weeks and I co---"

" babe -babe! its okay I get it, I just wanted to talk to you ,no need to expalin."

"but I am coming in two days."

" you are?"  I said excited.

"yeah but its only for a week." he sighed.

"at least I still get to see you!"

"and I get to see you!"

" I really can't wait!."

"me neither love!"

"harry can I tell  you something? " I asked nervously.

"of course! "

"I -I -I love you" I couldn't do.I couldn't tell him.I'm so stupid.

"I love you too baby! "

I sighed.

"You better get some rest I could tell you were sleeping with your sexy voice."

"Bye cutie! Can't wait to kiss you" he said I could imagine him smirking.

I laughed and said "I know baby"

He laughed and made a kissy sound before hanging up.


hello :)  ill update soon again

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