3: Breathe Out

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Dinner was still awkward after that.

Jaune went over his plan in more detail.

Shine would have nitpicked it, but Wally whispered to her that maybe they should be more supportive... This was their first day.

Shine shrugged it off.

While it couldn't be denied her plan was way safer, the others were still hesitant to take her advice, it seemed. Maybe because she was a stranger...who was freaking them out.

So, in the end, Jaune's plan was adopted.

Shine had to choke down her objections to how stupid she thought it was.

After the meal, everyone went up to different rooms or around the ground floor.

Jaune's sister and her partner went to bed. They were pretty tired.

Shine and Wally didn't really have a room...and it seemed the spares were all full anyway.

Qrow did not offer to share his.

They were kind of wired anyway.

"So...our first day was...weird," Wally said.

"Seems to have passed pretty quickly," Shine commented. "I'm not sure it's over yet actually. But yeah, it's a ride."

"So...about what I missed..." Wally said, "what happened in Haven again?"

"You didn't view that Volume, did you?" Shine wasn't stupid enough not to have figured this out by now.

"Uh...okay, just a few parts of it..." Wally said. "I mean, I was busy that weekend."

Shine shook her head. "I guess I did have more time... Okay, well...in a nutshell, Blake and Sun took back the White Fang with her parents. They turned it around, came back, the others went to Haven, found out Lionheart sold out all the Huntsmen there to Salem. Lionheart, the principal of Haven, was also working for Salem out of fear. Raven Branwen, Yang's mom, also sold them out, sort of, but double crossed Cinder later."

"And Cinder was the one who killed Pyrrha, the nice girl," Wally said.

"Yeah...and Ozpin," Shine said.

"She's got a body count," Wally said. "Yikes..."

"She's a psycho," Shine said. "She, Emerald, and Mercury all showed up at Haven with Raven to fight the team and get the Spring Relic. Raven lied about who the maiden was. They thought it was her lackey, Vernal, but it was actually her."

"Okay...I don't remember her at all," Wally said. "Must have been in a different episode."

"Long story short, Yang confronted her after she whupped Cinder pretty good," Shine said. "Popular belief is that Cinder probably died, but I don't buy it. No way. She would never die that easy and do anyone a favor."

"That's...pretty harsh," Wally said.

"She's got a Grimm arm and is basically a demon at this point," Shine said. "My pity well has kind of bottomed out for that woman...if she is a woman."

"And I missed that too..." Wally said.

"Yang got the Relic from Raven but, as far as I know, never told anyone what happened," Shine went on. "And that brings us to here...trying to get that relic lamp to Atlas... If there's any more, I've missed it. But there was also this guy named Hazel who has it out for Ozpin...so he might be an issue if he finds Oscar again."

"Why does he have it out for Ozpin?"

"His sister died on a training mission for the huntsmen."


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