114: Do it Your Way

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Torchwick and Neo got back to Shade, still feeling like Tyrian would be right behind them.

But at least they had a good tip off.

In that time, the others had been grilling Kip on what his mother had in her basement--Vara convinced him to tell them.

Blake had also been trying to make him understand why disobeying his mother was okay in this instance.

But it was Emerald who really convinced him by taking him by the shoulder and saying very seriously,

"Little, free tip, kid: If you feel like something you're doing is wrong, then it is wrong. Don't believe anyone if they tell you it's not, even if it's your mom. Go with your gut."

Kip seemed to sense she was serious.

The others looked at each other strangely.

Then Blake came up and put hand on Emerald's shoulder, with her ears back.

"Yeah," she said. "That's true. I used to do bad things, because I made the mistake of trusting someone I shouldn't have, and it just made me feel like a horrible person."

Emerald bit her lip. "Yeah...same."

Kip nodded slowly.

Vara leaned on her hand, watching this. "Well," she said, "Kip, I guess it's time to ask yourself if you want to keep doing this dirty work with Vic forever. She's lost it--you know it, don't you? But with your help, maybe we can stop her."

Well, Kip was already wavering after what they said before, but if he needed anything to push him fully to talk about the stuff Vic had told him not to, this seemed to finally do it.

"Okay," he said. "I'll help..."

"Can you show us a picture of anything?" Penny asked. "I have photo scanners."

"I have something like that," Kip said. He popped something like a memory card out of one wrist. "I take pictures of cats."

"You know, I can kind of understand that," Jaune said.

The cats, as it happened, were getting tired of being locked in a basket, and Ren finally let them out--they started running over the floor.

The cats, as it happened, were getting tired of being locked in a basket, and Ren finally let them out--they started running over the floor

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"I do have some pictures of the hideout, though...to remember what I'm not supposed to touch..." Kip admitted. "But without a computer to download them into--"

"Leave that to me!" Penny said. "I'll call my father."

While they were waiting for this, Blake glanced at Emerald.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Huh?" Emerald was confused.

"I think someone said this before, but I used to be not that different from you," Blake said. "I mean, I was part of a terrorist group. That's not the different from Salem--it was even part of why Beacon fell. I could pretend that that had nothing to do with me, but I was still part of them getting there--in fact, I even think I might still have been in it when you first approached Adam. I remember this one day he was acting weird... [This was in the show.] I'm not in any position to judge, but I haven't exactly been vocal about giving you another chance. The group accepted me anyway. I think I could have been...cooler about it."

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