6: Where We've Been

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The flight to Atlas took hours.

That was enough time for Blake and Yang to explain what happened with Adam.

For Oscar to share that Ozpin had briefly helped him land the plane while Maria was blinded by electricity.

For everyone to congratulate Ruby.

For Pyrrha to ask how she did that and get a very vague answer.

And for...a few people to tell Pyrrha she'd been helpful.

But it was not enough time to convince Shine or Wally to explain themselves any further.

The others were getting fed up with Shine's evasion of their questions with witty remarks and Wally's...evasion.

No, they would not explain how they'd found Oscar; no, they would not explain how they knew everyone; no, they would not be explaining why the Leviathan ran away from them; and no, they would not explain how Pyrrha was...alive.

And how their powers worked.

And no, they wouldn't say why they wouldn't say... Because Weiss asked them.

Pyrrha finally broke up this one-sided interrogation by asking what she'd missed.

Shine and Wally hadn't been able to tell her everything, and she also wanted to hear it right from her friends.

She believed the DJs, but of course it would have been strange if her friends didn't want to tell her.

Actually, they didn't want to tell her, not all of them, because some of them still thought she probably wasn't real.

But Nora and Jaune began to fill her in anyway, and only held off on a few things when Qrow shot them warning looks.

They didn't mention Raven Branwen had been the Spring Maiden, when they explained that part--because only Yang knew that.

Well, the DJs knew it, but said nothing.

Weiss and Blake saw no harm in filling Pyrrha in about what they'd done with their families also--how could that really matter going forward? She might as well know.

Shine knew all this already, but Wally only knew about half of it.

But news to Shine was that Sun Wukong had gone back to Vacuo.

Blake said he had thought she should catch up with his team and take care of them. And that she'd be okay without him now.

Shine wondered if Sun had more of thought Blake would get tired of him once she had her less goofy friends around.

Shine counted the stuff that the others didn't tell Pyrrha and whispered to Wally.

They didn't tell her how to summon the lamp--or how it worked. Shine didn't know this, but she knew they must know after seeing Ruby do it and what Jaune had mentioned before.

They didn't tell Pyrrha about Salem bringing Ozpin back to life or their weird history, other than that they'd been enemies for millennia. (But she knew part of this from the DJs.)

They didn't tell her that Ozpin had lied to them and Salem couldn't be killed.

They didn't tell her that Oscar was losing more and more of his mind to Ozpin over time.

Most of the rest of the story, they did tell her.

Pyrrha was not slow, and she realized pretty quickly that they'd left some stuff out.

She chose not to ask them why. But it made her wonder--why did Shine and Wally tell her that themselves? Had they suspected the others would hold out on it? And why did they want her to know? Why didn't the others want her to know?

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