11: Place Don't Matter

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The conversation proved informative for the two DJs.

Robyn was quite willing to go off on everything that was wrong with Ironwood's handling of Mantle.

Her chief complaints being that it wasn't getting supplies it needed to repair its wall, or anything else, and jobs were dwindling because of the lack of dust shipping.

That and the council were "bullheaded elitists" apparently.

Wally hated politics and was really only interested in so far as it was hurting people.

Shine had a flair for politics, even if she didn't usually indulge it, and followed Robyn pretty well.

"Well, you have some valid points," she said. "I've studied politics quite a bit myself, not really interested in going into it though. Too frustrating and you always have to watch what you say."

"I'm not really worried about that," Robyn said.

"I don't expect you'll get very far then," Shine said.

"Excuse me?" Robyn said. "You think lying is better?"

"No, but after listening to you complain for the past hour, I've decided that it's very unlikely those 'elitists' you mentioned will want to work with you," Shine shrugged. "And if they won't, there's not much you can do. You're one person, one vote. The thing is, in politics, you have to be able to make friends, and allies. The people's anger might get you so far...but it can't do everything. I get the feeling you have a big mouth--perhaps a big heart also, if you're serious about all this, but you don't seem to have much diplomacy."

"You don't really know me," Robyn said. "You think I can't be diplomatic?"

"Tricky and diplomatic are not the same thing," Shine said. "But perhaps you can turn it on for the public, still, it won't last forever if that's all it is. The same pattern would occur."

"I don't think compromising is the way to go," Robyn said. "Those council members are bending over backwards for Ironwood, and he holds two seats!"

"Again, that's messed up," Shine said. "And whoever allowed it should have seen this coming. Anytime you give someone more power than other people on a board, you're asking for it to become tyrannical...still, even so, I've met General Ironwood myself. He's not all bad."

"No, but he's foolish," Robyn said. "And what is his deal with all this? I bet he's never told you either."

"I actually have a good idea," Shine said. "And I think he's wrong...but even so, his motives are to protect Atlas, and, in his mind, Mantle as well. I wonder if you could say the same about yours. Do you care about Atlas at all?"

Some of the other huntresses who'd come along as some kind of guard, sniffed contemptuously.

Robyn seemed to consider her answer carefully. "I don't want to hurt Atlas, but, they have plenty of power already, and money. Mantle is always the bottom priority. They need an advocate."

"Which is noble," Shine said. "And I get it...but you simply can't hope to influence people whose interests lie in Atlas, if they think all you care about is Mantle. Will it help both sides to do what you want? That is the question."

"I think so," Robyn said. "I think it helps everyone if people hate Atlas less."

"I wonder if the council would have that idea based on your professed disdain of them?" Shine said.

Robyn frowned.

"What do you guys do to help Mantle?" Wally was bored. "Like, a lot of people here are suffering, do you alleviate it?"

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