56: Locked Away

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[AMV courtesy of Fancy Mad Fox, Circus for a Psycho by Skillet]

Everyone found themselves on the island with the tree without too much injury.

Ruby had already been trying to find a way off...but it was just floating there.

"Well, at least we got away from that thing," Yang looked up. "It'll die now right?"

"I hope so," Jaune said.

However, the Jabberwocky, while on fire, looked down from above them, and gave a horrible shrieking sound that still sounded like gurgling.

Then instead of dying, it jumped down the ravine, flying after them.

"We have to jump off the edge!" Pyrrha cried.

"No way, then it'll get us for sure!" Weiss cried. The rest of the team fled into the tree to try to take cover.

"Come on, Pyrrha," Jaune took her arm and dragged her toward one of the huge roots, the tree was the size of a tower.

The Jabberwocky chased after them anyway, and spat acid--it had no effect on the tree itself, for some reason, but the grass withered, and pools of acid began to form in the ground.

Suddenly Ruby stopped running and fell.

"Ow! ow! ow!" she cried, grabbing at her boots.

"Ruby, what's wrong?" Blake was right behind her.

"My feet are burning!" Ruby cried.

She yanked one shoe off and Blake saw to her horror that the sole had eroded away.

Then she looked at her blade and saw the edge of it was eroded also.

"Guys!" she said. "The slime on it! It's also acid!"

"What?" Yang cried.

"No one touch it!" Blake yelled in alarm.

But how could they stop it then?

"Come on, Ruby," Blake pulled her up and half carried, half dragged her.

Yang ran up and took Ruby's other arm.

The Jabberwocky spat acid at everyone's heels, they had to dodge it, and then they tripped, except for Weiss who was still using glyphs, but her aura was running low.

"This is impossible!" She cried.

Then suddenly she slipped and hit one of the tree branches, she grasped at it trying not to fall, now she was dangling over the abyss.

"Weiss!" Jaune called. "Hang on."

"Your sword!" Pyrrha called, holding up her hand.

Weiss' sword had just fallen...they watched it fall into the abyss instead.

Unfortunately it was out of Pyrrha's range.

"Oh! I wish I had trained my semblance more!" She exclaimed in frustration. [So do I! I mean why did no teacher at Beacon tell her that holding herself back by not using her semblance more was a stupid idea. Sure it works okay again human opponents, but with large grimm, you need all the edge you can get. Duh.]

"Use my shield," Jaune said.

Pyrrha levitated it to under Weiss' feet.

The Jabberwocky landed on the branch in front of her, and they could swear it smiled.

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