190: Time Is Running Out

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Winter followed the younger members out of the rock spires and into a more open place.

There they saw something like a marble palace, not unlike Atlas' or Beacon's architecture, tall and with pillars rising up in front of it.

This seemed to be the source of the music and smell of what certainly seemed like fruit and other foods.

Winter felt drawn to it the way nostalgia draws you to a movie or book.

Though Winter was not one to indulge in nostalgia.

And there was something about it that nagged at her mind.

Like... why was this here? And where was the Grimm land? She saw nothing but ocean behind the house, and it was as peaceful as any mild spring day along Vale's coast.

And... it was almost too perfect, just the sort of classic-looking place she'd admire in a picture.

"Beautiful," Meridian said.

"Yeah..." Weiss stared.

Winter had never particularly trusted things that looked too perfect--despite being an Atlesian.

"Yes..." she said slowly. "It is... but is it... real?"

Immediately after she said that there was this very odd feeling in her head--one might call it fluttering. It made her giddy, and it was also painful at the same time.

Maybe it was the smell or the sound or the sight of it, but Winter's head swam.

Before she could get level again, Weiss and Meridian already had rushed forward.

Qrow had walked all this time, more slowly, but with less hesitation as he got closer.

"Seems all right." He sounded far away.

Some part of Winter wanted to yell at him that this didn't seem quite right and that she didn't feel right either.

But it was like something imposed itself over that part and compelled her to keep walking forward.

Not that she didn't want to in a way. She did... It felt right.

But something in her was screaming not to do it... only that voice was getting quieter the closer she walked.

Qrow followed the kids.

"Weiss!" he called. "Meridian, be careful."

They didn't answer him.

"Though I don't know... it might be all right." Qrow seemed to waiver again.

This wasn't natural either.

She needed to make herself stop... to stand still.

With great effort, she tried to control her feet to stop walking.

She slowed slightly, and slowing made her feel fluttery also, the same way.

She dropped to her knees.

She felt tired...

Like she could just lay down here and go to sleep and never wake up... It was tempting...

* * *

Oscar, who was still with Ruby, felt something strange was tugging at him.

Suddenly Ozpin pushed forward.

"Oscar, this is a dreadful place. We must take the Relic away and run, or we'll never get out!" he burst out frantically.

"Oz, where have you been?" Oscar said.

"The eyes, Oscar--I was stunned. But quick, now, we must go!"

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