131: Afford the Truth

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Shine walked out of the dojo and into the entry room.

The team was still setting up--and having an argument about whether or not going out was a good idea.

Yang was tired of sitting around places--and wanted a distraction from thinking about the crisis.

The others mostly felt apprehensive after all the problems they'd had in Vacuo...but Blake thought, since the White Fang's new division was around, it was less likely to happen.

"What do you think?" They called upon Shine to settle it.

Pyrrha noted though that Shine looked upset.

"Maybe we can work this out ourselves," she said.

"It might not hurt," Shine said. "But again, no one goes anywhere alone. Don't be stupid."

"What about them, though?" Weiss glared at Cinder and Mercury--Watts was in another room.

"Aren't we going to lock them up at all?" Neptune said.

"For what purpose?" Shine shrugged. "Tyrian will no doubt find his way here by tomorrow, but I doubt he's beaten us. This might be the last chance you have to go out without trouble...make the most of it."

That wasn't a nice reminder to have, but facts were facts.

Wally followed Shine. "Maybe we should go out too," he said. "After that, I think you need a break."

"We need to plan," Shine argued.

"It can wait a few hours," Wally said. "Come on, please."

Shine wavered. "Well...all right, but can I change first? And get ready?"

"Sure," Wally said.

Shine headed upstairs.

"Hey, Mr. West," Sun said, "can I ask, how did you get her? I mean, you're so different."

"Same way you got Blake, I guess," Wally said. "I followed her home."

"What? No way, you're just messing with me," Sun said.

"I'm totally serious, man," Wally said.

[See Worldcrossed fic.]

"Was it love at first sight?" Nora asked.

"No," Wally said. "I mean, sure, I was attracted to her, but I was kind of still in a different relationship at the time...didn't last long, though."

"Oh, wow," Nora said. 

"How do you handle her?" Theo asked, getting in on this. "She's a livewire."

"Hey." Wally frowned.

"I mean, I could see why you might be into that," Theo said. "But full time? You don't seem like the quickest on the uptake, no offense."

"Funny, my friends told me the same thing," Wally said

"I think you need some new friends." Pyrrha thought that was hurtful.

"Well, they don't mean anything by it," Wally brushed it off. "Actually, though, one of them said it made sense. He said that Shine gets me. Still not sure what he meant, but I took that as a good sign. Anyway, Supes did say she made me more serious... But Shine's not hard to deal with anyway."

"Really?" Ren was skeptical about that.

"Really," Wally said. "She's surprisingly pretty laid back about most things. I think actually I lucked out. She never plays those mind games that some girls do--no offense, ladies."

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