55: For the Fallen Ones

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While all this had happened in Remnant, no time had passed in the Upside Down world except what was recorded already.

Pyrrha, Jaune, and Blake all found their way back to the shoreline and found Yang, Ruby, and Weiss, with Dodo and Little.

After a quick reunion and mutual explanation of what had happened, Blake told them she wanted to find the Griffin.

"The Griffin," Dodo said importantly, "is down the shore."

"I'm still getting used to all the animals talking," Blake said.

"And aren't you an animal yourself?" Dodo said. "And a nasty cat one at that."

In fat, Dodo and Little had both nearly bolted for it when Blake walked up, till the others persuaded them she was harmless. They still seemed uneasy, however.

"But there was another cat," Blake said.

"The Chesire Cat," Little squeaked. "I don't like it either. It eats mice."

Pyrrha tugged her hair into place. "I find it odd that there's a tale of another human here," she said. "Could it be the one that Ozpin knew before? What was her name again?... Alicia, I think it was."

"Who knows?" Weiss said.

"But that can't be a coincidence," Blake said. "Though it would have been nice to know before that Ozpin had mentioned this." Her ears went back.

"How could I have possibly known it would matter this much?" Pyrrha gestured around. "We have the way home already, though. And I'm worried about the others--it's getting harder to remember anything clearly about what we were doing...but I'm sure they are in trouble. What if we've been here for days? I'm sure I can't keep track with the moon and sun changing so oddly. It's almost never really nighttime here."

"What is nighttime?" Little asked.

"It's...uh, when there's no sun," Ruby said.

"No son of what?" Little asked.

"The big light thing in the sky." Ruby pointed upward.

"I suppose you could call it the son of the sky," Dodo mused. "We usually just say The Above."

"Wait though, if this world is upside down from ours, then isn't that The Beneath?" Yang wondered. "Ugh, this is so crazy!"

"You're crazy," Dodo said.

"I am not crazy!" Yang's eyes flickered red.

"Why, she changes color!" Dodo was quite impressed. "Just like a lizard."

That didn't flatter Yang.

"This is just..." Weiss said slowly. "I don't even know what this is."

"Do you still want to meet the Griffin?" Little asked.

"At least if we do, we might know more about whatever person came here before," Ruby said.

"And sorry, Pyrrha, but the idea of jumping down a ditch to get home isn't appealing," Weiss said prissily. "It's mad, actually. We don't know that it would take us anywhere...and even if it did, what if we hit the ground really hard?"

"I have a landing strategy," Pyrrha said.

"Ha..." Jaune said nervously. "Well, it couldn't hurt to learn more, right?"

Pyrrha worried that soon they'd forget to go back at all. Why, if they hadn't had the book to remind them of why they were even looking at all, she wondered if she'd have forgotten already... Iit was so easy to get distracted by how strange this world was, and the events of her own were feeling more and more like a dream.

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