186: So Much More

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The rest of the scattered team thought the grimm would swarm them now that they were separated, but it didn't happen.

They all tried to head the direction they thought the others would go, and the grimm they saw followed them at a distance, occasionally a handful would attack, but nothing so big as before.

No one quite understood this.

The reason was that Salem thought, and probably rightly, that if a huge attack happened while they were so close together, the rest of them would see it and run to help, but if they wandered further and further away from each other, they'd soon be out of range.

Then it would be easy for her.

She didn't know if Shine would think of this, but she was confident no one else possibly would have.

Ozpin did find it odd, after Ruby and Oscar found their way out of the tunnel they were in only to find they were miles from anyone else, and from where they'd entered it to begin with.

But everyone had gone further west, and either north or south also.

Not many people were even moving closer together if you had seen them on a GPS map.

Winter and Qrow had looked for quite a while before they finally found Weiss and Meridian, but lost track of everyone else.

"Well..." Qrow said finally. "Raven could find me at any time, so if she hasn't, either she's with someone else she likes more or ..."

Or she couldn't.

"But where were you?" Meridian asked them. "We've been wandering around for hours."

"I don't understand," Winter ignored the question. "We can't really have spread out that much...?"

"It's so hard to tell here," Qrow said. "But I didn't see anyone from the air. It makes no sense, did they all just run?"

"In that panic they were in, perhaps," Meridian said.

"I don't like it," Weiss shivered. "And... having this." She patted the sword. "The grimm will come right for us."

But that didn't happen.

The next day rolled around, and they'd hardly stopped moving most of the night. Winter didn't like to stay still.

Meridian was still roughed up, but better than before.

Weiss was intact, but not in a good mood, and Qrow was... well he was fine, he supposed.

Still reeling from earlier.

"This is just what I didn't want to happen," Winter finally admitted aloud. "Being lost here..."

"We know we're supposed to go west," Qrow said.

"But where exactly? We don't know what direction the dragon head is in," Winter said a bit shortly.

"We'll hit the ocean eventually and we know it's close to that," Qrow said. "It would be getting that far that's hard. I'm pretty sure nothing would stop Likstar from getting here herself, and West. But I can't see them leaving the kids behind either."

"Still, even they would have to cut their losses, they've always been realistic."

"And they know we cannot waste time..."

"But leaving us to die isn't something I think they'd do either, they said to keep walking but it's been hours..."

"Yes...so I don't know."

Weiss and Meridian exchanged a look.

"If either of you want our opinion," Meridian said. "Just let us know."

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