136: Lost

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[Theme 11: "Towards the Sun" AMV by BatmanFangurl]

The group splitting up surprised Watts and Cinder, who would have thought they'd seek safety in numbers.

Unfortunately for Watts, this didn't really help him with a way to take the Relic.

The teams were planning to be gone only one day, spending the night at the place they were going and then coming back the next day. Nothing to it.

Hazel was going to stay in Haven. He thought Emerald and Mercury were safer without him if they needed to blend in.

Raven would stay of course.

Surprisingly, Qrow said he would also. Normally he'd follow Ruby or Yang, but Yang wasn't actually going.

She said she was sick of traveling everywhere, and she didn't like Argus enough to go back. And it was cold. So she was just fine with Mistral.

Weiss also said she had no wish to go anywhere, and she didn't like Cordovin.

Jaune decided to give the Relic to Weiss. She could hide it easier, since she also had a sword.

They'd purchased a sheath for it in the marketplace, and it shrunk to match it.... It still seemed odd to have two.

Blake also opted to stay with her parents, and Sun decided to stay back also.

Tai also wanted to remain. They hoped this would be enough people to guard Haven if there was any trouble, along with the White Fang. At least perhaps they could confuse Salem's forces by splitting up.

Surprisingly, Torchwick and Neo were going with the farmland team. Not because they liked them, but because they had no wish to be around if Salem attacked Haven. Neo had seen enough of Tyrian to last her a lifetime. They would be extra protection basically... Well, Neo was still recovering, but Torchwick was battle ready.

"But it doesn't matter." Raven was the pessimist. "If the Relic is here, she'll come here."

"She is still concerned with the Maidens," Shine said. "We might still distract her...and if something did happen, at least they will not be a target here."

"But I am," Raven said.

"Raven, with your problem turning into a bird at random, we can hardly send you on a train," Shine said.

"I know, I know." Raven was annoyed that it made sense. "I just... Forget it."

She turned her back.

"As usual, my mom is so mature about the situation." Yang was over it.

Before leaving, Pyrrha took the box of little cakes they had and gave a few to each group.

"These might come in handy again," she said. "Just in case. Especially for the Maidens... But try not to use them unless you have to. We only have so many."

"Right." Ruby was going with Oscar, Theo and Vara--she might be helpful if they ran into Grimm, and Salem was less likely to hear about it than if she showed up in Argus again after last time.

Winter was more nervous about leaving now that it came to it than she'd have expected--even if she'd used her Atlas clout to get them tickets this quickly.

She didn't like to acknowledge that part of that nervousness was that she was a little sorry Qrow wasn't going with them--that idea was just crazy.

She clearly was just worried because they'd have less people to protect everyone this way. But the danger about balanced out, didn't it?

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