31: Pressure Builds Around Me

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Shine and the three kids were making their way through the whale shaped grimm with disgust.

Yang and Ren were scared, Jaune was too focused on the situation to be scared...plus Shine helped.

She was muttering a song as they went, not very loud, but he caught a few words here and there.

"You are my strong tower, shelter over me, beautiful and mighty, everlasting king. You are my strong tower, fortress when I'm weak, your name is true and holy, and your face is all I seek." 

"Do you think Oscar is all right?" Jaune asked her.

"Well, he's alive," Shine said. "That's all I can tell you."

Then they rounded a corner and saw Oscar standing there, and Emerald.

They'd just seen Salem, but she'd heard intruders and rushed off, now they were really hurrying.

Oscar almost didn't register it, he was just focused on walking.

"Oscar?" Yang said.

"Guys?" Oscar said.

"Oh my gosh," Shine's eyes got huge when she saw the state he was in. She went full mom mode.

"What did they do to you?" she rushed up and took a close look at his face. "Oh my...you poor baby..." She put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay? How are you even walking..."

Emerald stared at her weirdly.

"Who the h-- is this?" she said. "And you...I thought I sensed some weak minds."

"You," Yang lifted her gun at Emerald, who took a step back.

"No, it's okay, she's with us," Oscar said. "She helped me escaped." he winced. "And...I'm okay, Miss Lik-- I mean Shine. I mean, I don't think anything is broken...badly..."

"Badly?" Shine said, "I'm going to cry...."

She gingerly put an arm around him. "I'd hug you real tight but I don't want to hurt you...you know how worried I've been? At least I knew you had to be alive..though...Did Wally find you yet?"

"Yeah, but he's looking for Hazel. Hazel is coming with us, but we have to hurry, because the lamp is going to be gone," Oscar said.

"Oh." Shine said. "'Kay."

"Wait a minute, Hazel is joining us?" Ren responded. "I'm not so sure about that, or her," he looked at Emerald warily.

"Come on," Oscar said. "It's all okay, I'll explain later."

"You're going to have to try to summarize," Yang frowned. "Because I'm not bringing her with us."

"Yang Xiao Long," Shine said in the tone she'd have heard her mother use if she had grown up with her at all. "Put the gauntlet down right now before I slice off the tip of your gun."

"But she's--" Yang looked at Shine angrily.

"I don't care, Oscar says it's all right then, then it's all right," Shine pointed. "Let's get out of here before Salem finds us. I can feel her close by." She shuddered.

"Thanks Shine," Oscar thought.

"Okay...fine, but you will explain later," Jaune said.

"Hey, at least I know the way out," Emerald said. "Are you coming?" She started walking.

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