132: Keep It Top Shelf

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After thinking for a while, Qrow wondered if it was rational to take that optimistic a view of it.

"On paper," he said. "Maybe that makes sense. But there's also instinct. Usually if stuff sounds too good to be true, there's a reason."

"I actually don't find it too good to be true," Winter said. "The limits they have all make it seem more like a last ditch effort. But perhaps I am new to this. However, I wonder if your hesitation is more about the past than the present."

Did she mean Summer? Or just...Ozpin?

[You could take that multiple ways too.]

"I can't say I have that much hope since I heard the full story behind Ozpin's quest," Qrow admitted flatly. "I'm not even sure why I'm here now. Except I have nothing better to do with my time."

"That is unjust," Winter said. "You stayed for Ruby and Yang."

"Maybe, but even that, is that even helping them?" Qrow was always inclined to slip into being negative about his Semblance. "Maybe it's not about everyone else, but I can't judge the situation."

Winter shrugged.

Another pause.

"If the rest of you go along with it, I won't stop it," Qrow finally said. "I'm in no position to tell anyone what to do."

"That's not good enough," Winter surprised him by saying firmly.


"I meant what I said," Winter said. "Do you think it helps Ruby or Yang to hear that? Whatever we feel, these younger huntsmen need to believe that we believe we can win. We need to actually believe it also. The whole time Miss Likstar was in Kanap's lair, she never once wavered. I've never heard anything like it...but it's just that kind of attitude that we have to have. There is no room for doubt."

"Room or not, we're not infallible," Qrow said. "Not even close."

"We don't need to be," Winter argued. "If we try to do the right thing, at least, we know that is certain."

"Whatever the right thing is," Qrow said.

"I think you already know the answer to that." Winter hit upon the actual truth somehow. "But you don't want to admit it. I think doubt is more comfortable for you."

"Hey, there's no need to make a personal attack," Qrow said. "You sound like Shine, for crying out loud."

"Then I'm probably right." Winter had a comeback for that.


"And that wasn't an attack, it was an observation," Winter added. "I can't imagine what your reason is, but doubt is not something to allow at such a time."

"That's easy for you to say." Qrow forgot who he was talking to for a second. "There's a lot more on your side."

"Not really," Winter said. 

"Fine, if you say so," Qrow said. "But you're a different kind of person--and don't have a Semblance working against you. Getting cocky is a bad idea when you're me."

"I never noticed it stopping you." 

"That was mostly an act." Qrow said that without thinking about it. "It's fun to play games, but the reality is different. I can't just assume things are going to work out for me; bad luck follows me all the time. I don't know how much of the problems I cause just by being around. I don't want to jinx Likstar and West either... They may not say it, but everyone wonders about it. So I can't just ignore it, sorry."

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